Code Description Type
372 Wijzigen van grondslag is niet toegestaan. BrokenBusinessRule
21 Aard deelnemerschap is alleen toegestaan bij ambtenaar of wachtgelder. BrokenBusinessRule
139 Invalid value for shift. BrokenBusinessRule
435 Reden geen bijtelling niet toegestaan voor 1-1-2007 BrokenBusinessRule
542 Uren per week niet invullen indien salarisverwerking wordt afgenomen. BrokenBusinessRule
249 address.street must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
0 Unknown error BrokenBusinessRule
256 address.furtherIndication must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
354 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkend loonbelasting percentage. BrokenBusinessRule
310 netWageType must be empty if netWage is empty BrokenBusinessRule
630 Invalid value for endOfEmploymentReason. BrokenBusinessRule
306 netWageType must have a value if netWage has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
429 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
49 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt? Warning
166 Het emailadres mag niet leeg zijn indien de werknemer toegang heeft tot Werknemerloket. BrokenBusinessRule
253 dateOfBirth must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
596 Verbijzondering reden alleen invullen bij reden is -ziekte- BrokenBusinessRule
190 endDate cannot occur before startDate BrokenBusinessRule
283 Invalid value for typeOfEmployee.key. BrokenBusinessRule
654 distributionUnit.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
126 Invalid value for flexibleHoursContractCode. BrokenBusinessRule
385 Er is een fout opgetreden. De applicatiebeheerder is op de hoogte gebracht. BrokenBusinessRule
1001 function must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1002 department must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1003 standardFunction must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1004 distributionUnit must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1005 createMdvEntry must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1006 The field postalCode is not a valid postalCode BrokenBusinessRule
1007 Entity could not be found BrokenBusinessRule
1008 At least one record must remain. BrokenBusinessRule
1009 Only non-closed records in the chain can be deleted. BrokenBusinessRule
1010 Job applicant can not be deleted. Qwoater documents must be deleted first. BrokenBusinessRule
1011 Data has changed since the result was last retrieved BrokenBusinessRule
1012 companyName must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1013 companyName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1014 chamberOfCommerceNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1015 Invalid value for sbi. BrokenBusinessRule
1016 Invalid value for legalForm. BrokenBusinessRule
1017 Invalid value for branch. BrokenBusinessRule
1018 providerSettings.administrationNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1019 Invalid value for providerSettings.parentEmployerForConsolidatedOverviews. BrokenBusinessRule
1020 providerSettings.sendEmailWhenSalarySlipIsAvailable must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1021 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1022 contact.phoneNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1023 contact.function has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1024 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1025 Provincie is niet ingevuld. Warning
1026 Invalid value for address.province. BrokenBusinessRule
1027 Payrollrun is not approved. BrokenBusinessRule
1028 Werknemerloket availability date is empty. BrokenBusinessRule
1029 Werknemerloket availability date is in the future. BrokenBusinessRule
1030 Requested employment is not part of this payroll run. BrokenBusinessRule
1031 costCenter.key may not have a value if the employment does not have an active journal distribution set up. BrokenBusinessRule
1032 costUnit.key may not have a value if the employment does not have an active journal distribution set up. BrokenBusinessRule
1033 LeaveRequest is in invalid state. BrokenBusinessRule
1034 numberOfUnits must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1035 numberOfUnits must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
1036 numberOfUnits number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1037 isAccrual must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1038 endDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1039 Invalid value for endDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1040 endDate must be in the same year as startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1041 leaveType must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1042 Invalid value for leaveType. BrokenBusinessRule
1043 leaveType does not allow leave accrual. BrokenBusinessRule
1044 Leave records linked through the leaverequest have also been removed Warning
1045 Records created by a leave policy cannot be edited. BrokenBusinessRule
1046 leaveType must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1047 Invalid value for leaveType. BrokenBusinessRule
1048 comment has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1049 numberOfUnits must have a value between 0.00 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
1050 The selected action is not supported. BrokenBusinessRule
1051 The payroll run was already processed. BrokenBusinessRule
1052 The payroll run is not ready yet. BrokenBusinessRule
1053 Employer not found for this payroll run. BrokenBusinessRule
1054 Clientnumber for the associated administration is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
1055 An unknown error occurred while selecting the payroll run. BrokenBusinessRule
1056 An unknown error occurred while performing the chosen action. BrokenBusinessRule
1057 Name cannot be null or empty BrokenBusinessRule
1058 Name cannot contain more than 70 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1059 Name must contain at least one letter BrokenBusinessRule
1060 Description cannot be null or empty BrokenBusinessRule
1061 Description cannot contain more than 50 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1069 Particularities cannot contain more than 4000 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1071 Invalid value for country BrokenBusinessRule
1072 Invalid value for country BrokenBusinessRule
1073 description must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1074 description has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1075 group has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1076 Startdate must lie before Enddate BrokenBusinessRule
1077 The averageHoursPerWeek field must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1078 The averageHoursPerWeek field must have a value between 0 and 168. BrokenBusinessRule
1079 Please enter a value for average hours per week, this field is used by your insurance to calculate the insured wage. Warning
1080 annualSalary must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1081 Decimals are not allowed for annualSalary BrokenBusinessRule
1082 annualSalary must be between 0 and 1000000000. BrokenBusinessRule
1083 Als het fiscale jaarloon wordt gewijzigd zal herrekening van reeds berekende salarissen plaatsvinden van het huidige jaar. Warning
1084 Invalid value for deviatingTaxTableCode BrokenBusinessRule
1085 deviatingPayrollTaxTableColour must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1086 Invalid value for deviatingPayrollTaxTableColour BrokenBusinessRule
1087 Witte tabel is not allowed in combination with Employee Type. BrokenBusinessRule
1088 Groene tabel is not allowed in combination with Employee Type. BrokenBusinessRule
1089 Changing the color deviatingTaxTableCode affects the payroll process. Warning
1090 Max two decimal places allowed for deviatingPayrollTaxPercentage. BrokenBusinessRule
1091 deviatingPayrollTaxPercentage must be between 0 and 100. BrokenBusinessRule
1092 applyDeviatingPayrollTaxPercentageOn must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1093 deviatingPayrollTaxPercentage of 0 is being applied. Warning
1094 Invalid value for applyDeviatingPayrollTaxPercentageOn BrokenBusinessRule
1095 applyPayrollTaxDeduction must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1096 residentOf must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1097 Invalid value for residentOf BrokenBusinessRule
1098 salarySplit must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1099 Max 2 decimal places allowed for percentageForeignIncome BrokenBusinessRule
1100 percentageForeignIncome must be between 0 and 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1101 percentageForeignIncome can only have a value if salarySplit is applied BrokenBusinessRule
1102 deviatingCalculationRulePayrollTax must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1103 Invalid value for deviatingCalculationRulePayrollTax BrokenBusinessRule
1105 Invalid value for thirtyPercentFacility BrokenBusinessRule
1106 Max 6 decimal places allowed for deviatingPercentageThirtyPercentFacility BrokenBusinessRule
1107 deviatingPercentageThirtyPercentFacility must have a value between 0 and 30 BrokenBusinessRule
1108 deviatingPercentageThirtyPercentFacility can only have a value when thirtyPercentFacility is not 0 BrokenBusinessRule
1109 doesWageIncludeAow must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1110 doesWageIncludeWajong must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1111 hasEmployeeLoan must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1112 usesTransportByWithholdingAgent must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1113 Changes affect current year only. Warning
1115 licensePlateNumber cannot contain more than 15 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1116 Invalid value for dateOfFirstAdmission BrokenBusinessRule
1117 dateOfFirstAdmission must occur on or before startDate BrokenBusinessRule
1118 Max two decimal places allowed for valueForTaxPurposes BrokenBusinessRule
1119 valueForTaxPurposes must be between 0 and 1,000,000 BrokenBusinessRule
1120 additionalTaxLiabilityGroup must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1121 Invalid value for additionalTaxLiabilityGroup BrokenBusinessRule
1123 Invalid value for reasonForNoAdditionalTaxLiability BrokenBusinessRule
1124 deviatingAdditionalTaxLiability and/or valueForTaxPurposes must have a value when reasonForNoAdditionalTaxLiability has no value BrokenBusinessRule
1125 Max two decimal places allowed for deviatingAdditionalTaxLiability BrokenBusinessRule
1126 deviatingAdditionalTaxLiability must be between 0 and 1,000,000 BrokenBusinessRule
1127 Max two decimal places allowed for taxableBenefitForPrivateUse BrokenBusinessRule
1128 taxableBenefitForPrivateUse must be between 0 and 1,000,000 BrokenBusinessRule
1129 taxableBenefitForPrivateUse must be smaller than or equal to deviatingAdditionalTaxLiability, when both are non-empty BrokenBusinessRule
1130 taxableBenefitForPrivateUse must be empty when reasonForNoAdditionalTaxLiability has a value BrokenBusinessRule
1131 The payroll run should have the status Approved. BrokenBusinessRule
1132 Payroll taxreturn and Employer do not match BrokenBusinessRule
1133 A payment file can only be created for an approved declaration BrokenBusinessRule
1134 A payment file can only be created for period or annual declaration BrokenBusinessRule
1135 A payment file can not be created for a correction message (period 0) BrokenBusinessRule
1136 The payment file can not be created because the administration does not have a valid IBAN BrokenBusinessRule
1137 A payment file can only be created when there is an amount to pay BrokenBusinessRule
1138 licensePlateNumber not found BrokenBusinessRule
1141 Verloning kan niet worden gevonden BrokenBusinessRule
1142 Verloningsbatch kan niet worden gevonden BrokenBusinessRule
1143 De verloning is niet goedgekeurd BrokenBusinessRule
1144 De batch is van de verkeerde soort BrokenBusinessRule
1145 IBAN opdrachtgever ontbreekt BrokenBusinessRule
1146 IBAN opdrachtgever is ongeldig BrokenBusinessRule
1147 IBAN begunstigde ontbreekt BrokenBusinessRule
1148 IBAN begunstigde ongeldig BrokenBusinessRule
1150 fund must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1151 Invalid value for fund. BrokenBusinessRule
1152 deviations and fixedContribution cannot have a value at the same time. BrokenBusinessRule
1154 deviations.employmentContributionPercentage must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1155 deviations.employmentContributionPercentage must have a value between 0 and 100. BrokenBusinessRule
1156 deviations.employmentContributionPercentage must have a scale of 4 or less, unless startDate is before 1-1-2014, then scale must be 3 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1157 deviations.employmentContributionPercentage is higher or equal to deviations.totalContributionPercentage. Warning
1158 deviations.totalContributionPercentage must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1159 deviations.totalContributionPercentage must have a value between 0 and 100. BrokenBusinessRule
1160 deviations.totalContributionPercentage must have a scale of 4 or less, unless startDate is before 1-1-2014, then scale must be 3 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1161 fixedContribution.employmentContribution must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1162 fixedContribution.employmentContribution must have a value between 0 and 99999999.99 unless startDate is before 1-1-2014, then it must have a value between 0 and 9999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
1163 fixedContribution.employmentContribution must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1164 fixedContribution.employmentContribution is higher or equal to fixedContribution.totalContribution. Warning
1165 fixedContribution.totalContribution must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1166 fixedContribution.totalContribution must have a value between 0 and 99999999.99 unless startDate is before 1-1-2014, then it must have a value between 0 and 9999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
1167 fixedContribution.totalContribution must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1168 deviatingPayrollTaxPercentage is set but will not be used BrokenBusinessRule
1169 deviatingPayrollTaxPercentage is required when you want to deviate from the payrolltaxpercentage BrokenBusinessRule
1170 GET queryparameter requestedExecutionDate is invalid or empty BrokenBusinessRule
1171 licensePlateNumber cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1172 Additional tax liability could not be determined because the provided license plate number does not belong to vehicle of the type ‘Personenauto’. The additional tax liability is set to its standard. Warning
1173 base must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1174 base must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
1175 base must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1176 payrollComponent must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1177 Invalid value for payrollComponent. BrokenBusinessRule
1178 deviations.employmentContributionPercentage and deviations.totalContributionPercentage are both 0. Warning
1179 fixedContribution.employmentContribution and fixedContribution.totalContribution are both 0. Warning
1180 The current state of leave policies for the supplied employmentId has mixed units. Changes cannot be applied. BrokenBusinessRule
1181 The leave policies to link, have different units of leave from the already established leave policies for this employmentId. BrokenBusinessRule
1182 The same leave policy has been supplied multiple times. BrokenBusinessRule
1183 The supplied leave policies are not available for the employer of the supplied employmentId. BrokenBusinessRule
1184 The supplied leave policies have a different type of leave unit. BrokenBusinessRule
1185 Invalid value for wageCostBenefit BrokenBusinessRule
1186 Invalid value of incidentalIncomeDeduction. BrokenBusinessRule
1187 Invalid value of terminateIncomenumberFlexibleEmployment. BrokenBusinessRule
1188 invalid value for occupationalDisabilityPremiumDiscount BrokenBusinessRule
1189 occupationalDisabilitypremiumDiscount is not allowed to start before 01-07-2014 when occupationalDisabilitypremiumDiscount is 10. BrokenBusinessRule
1190 occupationalDisabilitypremiumDiscount is not allowed to end after 31-12-2017. BrokenBusinessRule
1191 max 2 decimal places allowed for annualCalculationBaseAbp BrokenBusinessRule
1192 annualCalculationBaseAbp must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
1193 invalid value for leaveAbp.leaveType BrokenBusinessRule
1194 If leaveAbp.leaveType has a value (not null) then valueOfParticipationDuringLeave is also required to have a value (not null). BrokenBusinessRule
1195 leaveAbp.valueOfParticipationDuringLeave must have a value between 1 and 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1197 startDate is not equal to either 1 january or the startDate of the employment. This might be incorrect. Warning
1198 wajongWithWageDispensation is set to true, however the occupationalDisabilitypremiumDiscount is not set to an expected corresponding value (<>1,2,3,4,5). Warning
1199 wageCostBenefit has been changed retrospective. The mutation will NOT be processed automatically in the payroll tax return(s) or message(s) to the pension fund. For EVERY affected payroll period create a mutation with the wage result. Warning
1200 Periode salarisperiodiek hoort niet bij de periodes van de gekozen administratie. BrokenBusinessRule
1201 applyMinimumWageVocationalLearningPathway must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1202 wageCostBenefit must be empty when startDate is before 01-01-2018. BrokenBusinessRule
1203 applicableForNoRiskPolicy must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1204 productivityPercentage must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1205 productivityPercentage must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
1206 productivityPercentage must have a value between 1 and 100. BrokenBusinessRule
1207 wajongWithWageDispensation must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1208 Invalid value for specificationOfIncomeRelationshipApg BrokenBusinessRule
1209 Invalid value for phaseClassification. BrokenBusinessRule
1210 startDate cannot be in the past BrokenBusinessRule
1211 amount cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1212 amount must have a value between 0.01 and 99,999,999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
1213 amount cannot have more than two decimal places BrokenBusinessRule
1214 nameBeneficiary cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1215 nameBeneficiary must be at least 1 and at most 70 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1216 cityBeneficiary must be at least 1 and at most 24 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1217 description1 cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1218 description1 must be at least 1 and at most 32 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1219 description2 must be at least 1 and at most 32 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1220 payrollComponent.key is only allowed once. BrokenBusinessRule
1222 bankAccountNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1223 bankAccountNumber must be at least 1 and at most 34 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1224 beneficiary.Name must be at least 1 and at most 35 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1225 beneficiary.City must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1226 must be at least 1 and at most 35 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1227 beneficiary.address must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1228 beneficiary.address must be at least 1 and at most 35 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1229 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1230 have a invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
1231 bank.bankIdentifierCode must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1232 bank.bankIdentifierCode must be at least 1 and at most 11 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1233 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1234 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1235 bank.address must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1236 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1237 must be at least 1 and at most 35 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1239 must be at least 1 and at most 35 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1240 bank.address must be at least 1 and at most 35 characters in length BrokenBusinessRule
1241 is not valid. BrokenBusinessRule
1242 IBAN must be valid BrokenBusinessRule
1243 deviatingAdditionalTaxLiability must be empty when reasonForNoAdditionalTaxLiability has a value BrokenBusinessRule
1244 startDate must be equal to either January 1st or the employment startDate BrokenBusinessRule
1245 isInsuredForSicknessBenefitsAct must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1246 isInsuredForUnemploymentInsuranceAct must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1247 isInsuredForOccupationalDisabilityInsuranceAct must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1248 isInsuredForSicknessBenefitsAct is false Warning
1250 isInsuredForUnemploymentInsuranceAct is false Warning
1251 isInsuredForOccupationalDisabilityInsuranceAct is false Warning
1252 startDate cannot be changed once a payroll run exists with a booking for this attachment of earnings BrokenBusinessRule
1253 endDate cannot be changed once a payroll run exists with a booking for this attachment of earnings BrokenBusinessRule
1254 fixedPaymentPerPayrollPeriod cannot be changed once a payroll run exists with a booking for this attachment of earnings BrokenBusinessRule
1255 totalAmount.owed cannot be reduced once a payroll run exists with a booking for this attachment of earnings BrokenBusinessRule
1256 totalAmount.owed cannot be changed for a closed record BrokenBusinessRule
1258 fixedPaymentPerPayrollPeriod cannot be greater than totalAmount.owed BrokenBusinessRule
1259 Once a payroll run with a booking exists for this attachment of earnings record it cannot be removed BrokenBusinessRule
1261 Invalid value for healthcareInsuranceActType BrokenBusinessRule
1262 additionalContributionEmployer must have a value between 0 and 10,000 BrokenBusinessRule
1263 nominalPremium must a value between 0 and 10,000 BrokenBusinessRule
1264 additionalPremium must a value between 0 and 10,000 BrokenBusinessRule
1265 additionalContributionEmployer must have a scale of 2 or less BrokenBusinessRule
1266 nominalPremium must have a scale of 2 or less BrokenBusinessRule
1267 additionalPremium must have a scale of 2 or less BrokenBusinessRule
1268 payOutPercentage must be empty if typeOfBenefit is set to WAO BrokenBusinessRule
1269 Supplementation based on net (netto) is not allowed from 2014 onwards BrokenBusinessRule
1270 Supplementation percentage must be 0 if no supplementation is being applied. BrokenBusinessRule
1271 Supplementation percentage cannot be 0 if supplementation is being applied. BrokenBusinessRule
1272 The provided supplementation percentage is lower than the pay out percentage. Is this correct? Warning
1273 base must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1274 invalid value for base BrokenBusinessRule
1275 deviations.percentage must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1276 deviations.percentage must have a value between 0 and 999.999999 BrokenBusinessRule
1277 deviations.percentage must have a scale of 6 or less BrokenBusinessRule
1278 deviations.reservationPercentage must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1279 deviations.reservationPercentage must have a value between 0 and 999.999999 BrokenBusinessRule
1280 deviations.reservationPercentage must have a scale of 6 or less BrokenBusinessRule
1281 deviations.financialReservationPercentage must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1282 deviations.financialReservationPercentage must have a value between 0 and 999.999999 BrokenBusinessRule
1283 deviations.financialReservationPercentage must have a scale of 6 or less BrokenBusinessRule
1284 ageBasedMinimum must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1285 invalid value for ageBasedMinimum.key BrokenBusinessRule
1286 ageBasedMaximum must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1287 invalid value for ageBasedMaximum.key BrokenBusinessRule
1292 payload is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
1293 descriptionPayslip cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1294 descriptionPayslip cannot have more than 14 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1295 creditor.type.key cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1296 creditor.type.key is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
1297 creditor.priority cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1298 creditor.priority must have a value between 0 and 2147483647 BrokenBusinessRule
1299 totalAmount.owed cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1300 totalAmount.owed must have a value between 0.01 and 99999999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
1301 totalAmount.owed cannot have more than 2 decimal places BrokenBusinessRule
1302 fixedPaymentPerPayrollPeriod must have a value between 0.01 and 99999999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
1303 fixedPaymentPerPayrollPeriod cannot have more than 2 decimal places BrokenBusinessRule
1304 cannot have more than 70 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1305 cannot have more than 24 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1306 description1 cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1307 description1 cannot have more than 32 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1308 description2 cannot have more than 32 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1310 threshold cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1311 threshold must have a value between 0.01 and 99999999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
1312 threshold cannot have more than 2 decimal places BrokenBusinessRule
1313 benefit.percentage cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1314 benefit.percentage must have a value between 0 and 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1315 benefit.percentage cannot have more than 2 decimal places BrokenBusinessRule
1316 benefit.type cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1317 benefit.type is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
1318 supplementation.type cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1319 supplementation.type is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
1320 supplementation.percentage cannot be empty BrokenBusinessRule
1321 supplementation.percentage must have a value between 0 and 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1322 supplementation.percentage cannot have more than 2 decimal places BrokenBusinessRule
1323 Invalid value for residence. BrokenBusinessRule
1324 howToFormatLastName must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1325 lastName must contain at least one letter BrokenBusinessRule
1326 invalid value for howToFormatLastName BrokenBusinessRule
1327 invalid value for waoClassification BrokenBusinessRule
1328 Required parameter reportType missing. BrokenBusinessRule
1329 Invalid value for parameter reportType. BrokenBusinessRule
1330 Required parameter reportYear missing. BrokenBusinessRule
1331 commentHandler cannot contain more than 4000 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1332 payrollComponents must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1333 payrollComponents.value must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1334 Required parameter IncludeEmployeeSelfService missing. BrokenBusinessRule
1335 Invalid value for contributionReductionEducation. BrokenBusinessRule
1336 Invalid value for residentOf. Values 4 (België) or 5 (Suriname / Aruba) are not allowed when startDate is before the first day of the first payroll period of 2020. BrokenBusinessRule
1337 value for occupationalDisabilityDeductionAfter2009 must be between 0.01 and 9999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
1338 max 2 decimal places allowed for occupationalDisabilityDeductionAfter2009 BrokenBusinessRule
1339 value for occupationalDisabilityDeductionTo2009 must be between 0.01 and 9999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
1340 max 2 decimal places allowed for occupationalDisabilityDeductionTo2009 BrokenBusinessRule
1341 invalid value for collectiveLaborAgreementCodeHiringEmployer BrokenBusinessRule
1342 applyYearlyHoursNorm must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1343 leaveAbp.leaveType must have a value when leaveAbp is non-empty BrokenBusinessRule
1344 leaveAbp.valueOfParticipationDuringLeave must have a value when leaveAbp is non-empty BrokenBusinessRule
1345 invalid value for deviatingDisabilityInsuranceActPercentageForCordares BrokenBusinessRule
1346 compulsoryEducationDays must have a value of 1 or 2 BrokenBusinessRule
1347 occupationalPensionFundCode must have a value between 1 and 99 BrokenBusinessRule
1348 occupationalDisabilityDeductionAfter2009 must be empty when occupationalDisabilityPremiumDiscount is empty BrokenBusinessRule
1349 occupationalDisabilityDeductionTo2009 must be empty when occupationalDisabilityPremiumDiscount is empty BrokenBusinessRule
1350 endOfEmploymentReasonTaxAuthorities must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1351 Invalid value for endOfEmploymentReasonTaxAuthorities. BrokenBusinessRule
1352 Please note that the value of endOfEmploymentReasonTaxAuthorities will be used in further processing from payroll year 2020 onwards. The value for this field of endOfEmploymentReason is ignored in any further payroll processing as of 2020. Warning
1353 Required parameter groupingType missing. BrokenBusinessRule
1354 Required parameter startPeriod missing. BrokenBusinessRule
1355 Required parameter endPeriod missing. BrokenBusinessRule
1357 Invalid value for parameter groupingType. BrokenBusinessRule
1358 startPeriod must be greater or equal than 0 BrokenBusinessRule
1359 endPeriod must be the same or after startPeriod BrokenBusinessRule
1360 Datum ingang contract onbepaalde tijd mag niet vóór in dienst datum liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
1361 Soort dienstverband moet bepaalde tijd zijn als aanstelling tot gevuld is. BrokenBusinessRule
1362 Werknemer heeft contract voor onbepaalde tijd, datum ingang contract onbepaalde tijd is daarom verplicht. BrokenBusinessRule
1363 writtenEmploymentContract is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
1364 startDate is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
1365 It's not possible to perform a termination with an endDate of 2020-01-01 or later with this resource version. This is due to the introduction, requirement by the Dutch tax authorities, of the field endOfEmploymentReasonTaxAuthorities per 2020-01-01. BrokenBusinessRule
1366 writtenEmploymentContract must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1367 Invalid value for startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration. BrokenBusinessRule
1368 startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration cannot occur before employment startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1371 isOnCallEmployment must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1372 employmentDurationType must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1373 The new startDate is greater then startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration. Please first update the startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration using the PUT activity of this resource. BrokenBusinessRule
1374 startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration must have a value when employmentDurationType is 1 (Onbepaalde tijd). BrokenBusinessRule
1375 Invalid value for parameter endPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
1376 Invalid value for parameter startPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
1377 employmentType must have a value greater than 0 BrokenBusinessRule
1378 startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration must be a valid date BrokenBusinessRule
1379 startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration must be greater than or equal to employment startDate Warning
1380 Gezien contract voor bepaalde tijd, is de datum ingang contract onbepaalde tijd leeg gemaakt. Warning
1381 sendMdvNotification is only allowed when a payroll administration is selected. BrokenBusinessRule
1382 CostUnit is only allowed when CostCenter is also used BrokenBusinessRule
1383 The requested period for allocation spans over more than 1 journal administration setting. BrokenBusinessRule
1384 startPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1385 startPeriod.year must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1386 startPeriod.year must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
1387 startPeriod.periodNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1388 startPeriod.periodNumber must have a value between 1 and 53. BrokenBusinessRule
1389 Invalid value for startPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
1390 endPeriod.year must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1391 endPeriod.year must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
1392 endPeriod.periodNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1393 endPeriod.periodNumber must have a value between 1 and 53. BrokenBusinessRule
1394 Invalid value for endPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
1395 allocationBasedOnActualHours or allocationBasedOnFixedWeights must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1396 allocationBasedOnActualHours and allocationBasedOnFixedWeights cannot have a value at the same time. BrokenBusinessRule
1397 allocationBasedOnActualHours.costCenter.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1398 Invalid value for allocationBasedOnActualHours.costCenter.key. BrokenBusinessRule
1399 Invalid value for allocationBasedOnActualHours.costUnit.key. BrokenBusinessRule
1400 Invalid combination for costCenter.key and costUnit.key in allocationBasedOnActualHours. BrokenBusinessRule
1401 allocationBasedOnFixedWeights does not allow an empty array. BrokenBusinessRule
1402 allocationBasedOnFixedWeights.costCenter.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1403 Invalid value for allocationBasedOnFixedWeights.costCenter.key. BrokenBusinessRule
1404 Invalid value for allocationBasedOnFixedWeights.costUnit.key. BrokenBusinessRule
1405 allocationBasedOnFixedWeights.weight must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1406 allocationBasedOnFixedWeights.weight must have a value between 1 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
1407 Invalid combination for costCenter.key and costUnit.key in allocationBasedOnFixedWeights. BrokenBusinessRule
1408 Each unique combination of costCenter.key and costUnit.key in allocationBasedOnFixedWeights may only be provided once in the request. BrokenBusinessRule
1409 isOnCallEmployment must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1410 startPeriod must be on or after employment date. BrokenBusinessRule
1411 If lastNamePartner is not provided then howToFormatLastName.key must be set to 1 BrokenBusinessRule
1412 howToFormatLastName must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1414 invalid value for typeOfDeviatingAwfContribution BrokenBusinessRule
1415 startPeriod must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1417 deviatingAWFContribution is not supported before 2020 BrokenBusinessRule
1418 startPeriod.year must have a value of max 9999 BrokenBusinessRule
1420 startPeriod.periodNumber has a range of 1 to 53 BrokenBusinessRule
1421 endPeriod.year must have a value when endPeriod has a value BrokenBusinessRule
1422 endPeriod.year has a range of 2000 to 9999 BrokenBusinessRule
1424 endPeriod.periodNummer has a range of 1 to 53 BrokenBusinessRule
1425 endPeriod must have a value when typeOfDeviatingAwfContribution is 3 BrokenBusinessRule
1427 startPeriod.year must be equal to endPeriod.year when typeOfDeviatingAwfContribution is 3 BrokenBusinessRule
1429 startPeriod and endPeriod must be valid periods for this administration BrokenBusinessRule
1430 ConceptEmployee has no administration attached. BrokenBusinessRule
1431 pensionProperties must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1432 insuranceProperties must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1433 payrollProperties must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1434 Trigger is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
1435 The provided trigger is not a valid resource. BrokenBusinessRule
1436 This trigger has already been mapped. BrokenBusinessRule
1437 WorkflowTemplate is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
1438 The provided WorkflowTemplate is not a valid resource. BrokenBusinessRule
1439 incapacityPercentage must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
1440 incapacityPercentage must have a value between 1 and 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1441 typeOfWorkResumption must be empty when incapacityPercentage is 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1442 typeOfWorkResumption must have a value when incapacityPercentage is not 100 BrokenBusinessRule
1443 invalid value for typeOfWorkResumption.key BrokenBusinessRule
1444 comments cannot have more than 4000 characters BrokenBusinessRule
1445 No workflow trigger mapping found. BrokenBusinessRule
1446 causeOfAbsence must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1447 invalid value for causeOfAbsence. BrokenBusinessRule
1449 causeOfAbsence (key is 2, 3 or 4) is only valid for a female employee. BrokenBusinessRule
1450 hoursWorkedOnFirstDayOfAbsence must have a value between 1 and 8. BrokenBusinessRule
1451 actionToBeTakenByOccupationalHealthAndSafetyService must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1452 invalid value for actionToBeTakenByOccupationalHealthAndSafetyService. BrokenBusinessRule
1453 invalid value for expectedDuration. BrokenBusinessRule
1454 isDisruptedEmploymentRelationship must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1455 isThirdPartyLiability should only be specified if causeOfAbsence is 'ziekte' (key 1) and accidentType is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1456 invalid value for accidentType. BrokenBusinessRule
1457 accidentType should only be specified if causeOfAbsence is 'ziekte' (key 1). BrokenBusinessRule
1458 isWorkRelatedIllness must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1459 expectedDateOfChildbirth should only be specified if causeOfAbsence key is 2 or 3. BrokenBusinessRule
1460 invalid value for expectedDateOfChildbirth. BrokenBusinessRule
1461 expectedDateOfChildbirth cannot be before startDate of the first underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1462 expectedDateOfChildbirth has to be specified if causeOfAbsence.key is 2 or 3. BrokenBusinessRule
1463 expectedEndDateOfMaternityLeave should only be specified if causeOfAbsence.key is 2 or 3. BrokenBusinessRule
1464 invalid value for expectedEndDateOfMaternityLeave. BrokenBusinessRule
1465 isRecoveredWithinTwoWeeks must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1466 comments has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1467 contactInformation.startDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1468 invalid value for contactInformation.startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1469 contactInformation.startDate cannot be before the startDate of the first underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1470 contactInformation.startDate cannot be after the endDate of the last underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1471 contactInformation.startDate cannot be after contactInformation.endDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1472 invalid value for contactInformation.endDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1473 contactInformation.endDate cannot be before the startDate of the first underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1474 contactInformation.endDate cannot be after the endDate of the last underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1475 contactInformation.locationType should only be specified if contactInformation.startDate is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1476 invalid value for contactInformation.locationType. BrokenBusinessRule
1477 must be specified if contactInformation.locationType is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1478 should only be specified if contactInformation.startDate is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1479 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1480 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1481 invalid value for BrokenBusinessRule
1482 contactInformation.street must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1483 contactInformation.street has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1485 contactInformation.street must contain at least one character. BrokenBusinessRule
1486 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1487 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1488 must contain at least one character. BrokenBusinessRule
1489 contactInformation.houseNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1490 contactInformation.houseNumber must have a value between 0 and 99999. BrokenBusinessRule
1491 contactInformation.houseNumber cannot be zero if is 'Nederland' (key 530). BrokenBusinessRule
1492 contactInformation.houseNumberAddition has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1493 invalid value for contactInformation.furtherIndication. BrokenBusinessRule
1494 contactInformation.postalCode must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1495 contactInformation.postalCode has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1496 contactInformation.postalCode has an invalid format. BrokenBusinessRule
1497 contactInformation.phoneNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1498 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1499 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1500 caseManager.function should only be specified if is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1501 caseManager.function has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1502 caseManager.organization should only be specified if is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1503 caseManager.organization has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1504 caseManager.phoneNumber should only be specified if is specified. BrokenBusinessRule
1505 caseManager.phoneNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
1506 reintegration.reintegrationGoal must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1507 invalid value for reintegration.reintegrationGoal. BrokenBusinessRule
1508 reintegration.dateOfFinalizingPlanOfAction must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1509 invalid value for reintegration.dateOfFinalizingPlanOfAction. BrokenBusinessRule
1510 reintegration.dateOfFinalizingPlanOfAction cannot be on or before the startDate of the first underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1511 reintegration.dateOfFinalizingPlanOfAction cannot be on or after endDate of the last underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1512 progress must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1513 progress.startDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1514 invalid value for progress.startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1515 progress.startDate cannot be in the future. BrokenBusinessRule
1516 progress.currentIncapacityPercentage must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1517 progress.currentIncapacityPercentage must have a value between 1 and 100. BrokenBusinessRule
1518 Employee is partially incapacitated. Warning
1519 contactInformation.startDate cannot be before the progress.startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1520 contactInformation.endDate cannot be before the progress.startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1521 reintegration.dateOfFinalizingPlanOfAction cannot be on or before the progress.startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
1522 Only the last absence can be reopened. BrokenBusinessRule
1523 endOfAbsence must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1524 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1525 invalid value for BrokenBusinessRule
1526 endOfAbsence.Date must be after the startDate of the Absence. BrokenBusinessRule
1527 endOfAbsence.Date must be after the startDate of any underlying AbsenceProgress. BrokenBusinessRule
1528 endOfAbsence.reason must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1529 invalid value for endOfAbsence.reason. BrokenBusinessRule
1530 Previous absence is still open. Please close the previous absence before entering a new one. BrokenBusinessRule
1531 User has no Qlik license for this employer BrokenBusinessRule
1532 Employer does not have the required Qlik product BrokenBusinessRule
1533 No payslip information found for this employment. BrokenBusinessRule
1534 Payrollrun not found. BrokenBusinessRule
1535 Employment not found. BrokenBusinessRule
1536 Employment is not related to this payrollrun. BrokenBusinessRule
2534 The field 'EmployeeSelfServiceBlockingDate' is not a valid date BrokenBusinessRule
2535 The field 'EmployeeSelfServiceBlockingDate' must lay in the future BrokenBusinessRule
2536 The employee does not have access to Werknemer Loket BrokenBusinessRule
2537 The employee is already blocked BrokenBusinessRule
2538 'EmployeeSelfServiceBlockingDate' must be on or after the employment startdate BrokenBusinessRule
2539 Type of benefit 5 (aanvullend geboorteverlof) not allowed before 1-7-2020 BrokenBusinessRule
2540 Percentage must be at least 70 if type of benefit is 5 (aanvullend geboorteverlof). BrokenBusinessRule
2541 Supplementation is not allowed if type of benefit is 5 (aanvullend geboorteverlof). BrokenBusinessRule
2542 incidentalIncomeDeduction 5 (aanvullend geboorteverlof) is not allowed before 1-7-2020 BrokenBusinessRule
2543 Declaration not found within Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
2545 The action is invalid for this workflow. BrokenBusinessRule
2546 Action is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
2547 Salary split based on Dutch income is not allowed before 2020-01-01 BrokenBusinessRule
2549 setHoursWorked must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
2550 setBaseForCalculations must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2551 setAnnualBaseForCalculationsBasedOnFunds must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2552 setLeaveHours must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2553 payrollPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2554 Invalid payrollPeriod. The given payroll period does not exist for this payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
2555 Invalid payrollPeriod. Please provide a payroll period with an approved payroll run OR the very first payroll period without an approved run within that year. BrokenBusinessRule
2556 The payroll period is not within the current active year of payrolling. Changes will not automatically be included in regular processing Warning
2557 Username already exists BrokenBusinessRule
2558 Password Invalid BrokenBusinessRule
2559 Username invalid BrokenBusinessRule
2560 EmailAddress invalid BrokenBusinessRule
2561 There are no viable payrollperiods for this process. BrokenBusinessRule
2562 Component 998 could not be found. BrokenBusinessRule
2563 Invalid payrollPeriod. The given payroll period does not exist for this payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
2564 Payroll record couldn't be found. BrokenBusinessRule
2565 Updating leave failed BrokenBusinessRule
2567 Leave could not be generated because there is no leave policy that meets the requirements BrokenBusinessRule
2568 Leave could not be calculated because the payroll information could not be retrieved. BrokenBusinessRule
2569 If payrollPeriodType is set to 4 weeks and this action is performed for either the very first or last period of a year, then leaveHours for employments that started/stopped in those periods might not be fully processed. Warning
2570 Leave could not be calculated because the payroll information doesn't have an exportset for leave calculations. BrokenBusinessRule
2571 There was a problem with connecting to the Qwoater service BrokenBusinessRule
2572 Invalid action for patching declaration review BrokenBusinessRule
2573 Declaration not found for patching review. BrokenBusinessRule
2574 User not authorized for patching this declaration. BrokenBusinessRule
2575 Declaration has invalid state to patch BrokenBusinessRule
2576 Qwoater product is required. BrokenBusinessRule
2577 Employer could not be found in Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
2578 Username is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
2579 Username has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2580 Username already exists. BrokenBusinessRule
2581 emailAddress is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
2582 isAllowedToSeeTestOutput is a required field. BrokenBusinessRule
2583 userType is a required object. BrokenBusinessRule
2584 userType has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
2585 An error occurred while initiating a new payroll run. BrokenBusinessRule
2586 initiationParameters.typeOfInitiation is required. BrokenBusinessRule
2587 EmailToEmployeeDate must be empty BrokenBusinessRule
2588 sendEmailToEmployee must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
2589 textPaySlip must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
2590 textPayment must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
2591 textTariffPaySlip must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
2592 initiationParameters.emailAddressPayrollRunStarted must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
2593 initiationParameters.emailAddressPayrollRunFinished must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
2594 The provided year may be a maximum of 7 years in the past (based on current datetime) BrokenBusinessRule
2595 initiationParameters.emailAddressPayrollRunStarted contains an invalid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
2596 initiationParameters.emailAddressPayrollRunFinished contains an invalid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
2597 Payroll runs for the specified year are not yet available. BrokenBusinessRule
2598 The previous payroll run has not been completed. BrokenBusinessRule
2599 There is a request for termination for the specified year. BrokenBusinessRule
2600 There are no payroll variables for the specified year and period. BrokenBusinessRule
2601 payrollPeriodId is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2602 Year of payrollPeriodId must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
2603 Period of payrollPeriodId must have a value between 1 and 53. BrokenBusinessRule
2604 payrollComponents is invalid or has incorrect value(s). BrokenBusinessRule
2605 payrollComponents and payrollComponentSet cannot be both set. BrokenBusinessRule
2606 payrollComponentSet does not contain any components. Warning
2607 Cannot have a EmailToEmployeeDate when no mail will be send BrokenBusinessRule
2608 The selected payroll period must be either the last payroll period with an approved payroll run or that periode +1 if available. In case of no approved payroll runs for the year of payrolling it must be the first payroll period. BrokenBusinessRule
2610 Invalid PayRollRunID. BrokenBusinessRule
2611 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A pension declaration is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2612 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A Payroll tax return is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2613 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A PGGM delivery is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2614 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A delivery to a external party is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2615 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A delivery to ABP is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2616 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A note is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2617 PayRollRunId can not be removed. A journal run is attached to this PayrollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2618 PayRollRunId can not be removed. There is a other open PayRollRun. BrokenBusinessRule
2619 An error occurred while reading the input. Please refer to the 'properties' element for more information. BrokenBusinessRule
2620 teamId is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2621 employmentDurationType must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2622 Employment may not be an on call employment to receive transition compensation. BrokenBusinessRule
2623 Maximum amount transitioncompensation has been exceeded. Warning
2624 GrossMonthlyWage may not have a negative value BrokenBusinessRule
2625 GrossMonthlySupplement may not have a negative value BrokenBusinessRule
2626 ShiftBonusPercentage may not have a negative value BrokenBusinessRule
2627 BaseCalculationsBonusPercentage may not have a negative value BrokenBusinessRule
2628 GrossMonthlyWage is 0 Warning
2631 EndDate may not be before startDate BrokenBusinessRule
2634 Employment type has to be 'Werknemer' or 'Ambtenaar' BrokenBusinessRule
2635 Employment may not be Director major shareholder BrokenBusinessRule
2636 Employment may not be Family of owner BrokenBusinessRule
2637 Employment may not be Previous owner BrokenBusinessRule
2638 Special income Number has to be 'n.v.t.' BrokenBusinessRule
2639 Clientnummer mag niet gelijk zijn aan 0 BrokenBusinessRule
2640 BasisloonEenheidCode moet gelijk zijn aan 1 (periodeloon) BrokenBusinessRule
2645 Department code must be unique within an employer BrokenBusinessRule
2646 subDepartmentOf.key cannot be null or empty BrokenBusinessRule
2647 subDepartmentOf.key is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
2648 Department description cannot be null or empty BrokenBusinessRule
2649 Department description has invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2650 PayrollTaxReturn not found BrokenBusinessRule
2651 PayrollTaxReturn, initial TimePeriod not found BrokenBusinessRule
2652 PayrollTaxReturn, Run not found BrokenBusinessRule
2653 Limit of 50.000 euro exceeded BrokenBusinessRule
2654 Total amount is zero BrokenBusinessRule
2655 PayrollTaxReturn not confirmed BrokenBusinessRule
2656 It's not allowed to use IDEAL for a correction payroll tax return BrokenBusinessRule
2657 The service is temporary unavailable please try again later BrokenBusinessRule
2658 There was an unforeseen error please try again later. If this problem persists please contact support. BrokenBusinessRule
2659 Department EmailLeaveRequest has invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2660 Department EmailLeaveRequest has invalid format BrokenBusinessRule
2661 The given childOfDepartment would result in a circular reference. This is not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
2662 Department cannot be its own subDepartment BrokenBusinessRule
2663 textPaySlip has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2664 textPayment has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2665 textTariffPaySlip has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2666 emailToEmployeeDate must have a valid DateTime value. BrokenBusinessRule
2667 availableForEmployeeDate must have a valid DateTime value. BrokenBusinessRule
2668 PayRollRunId can not be removed. The status of the PayRollRun is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2669 Invalid payrollRunStatus for downloading this report BrokenBusinessRule
2670 year must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
2671 Request cannot be created because the user role is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2672 Request cannot be created because the user does not have an email address. BrokenBusinessRule
2673 Request cannot be created because the accessible employers do not have any employments. BrokenBusinessRule
2674 Request cannot be created because another request is still being processed. BrokenBusinessRule
2675 Request cannot be deleted because it already has been processed. BrokenBusinessRule
2676 Invalid downloadRequest status. File cannot be downloaded. BrokenBusinessRule
2677 Interval for request has not yet expired BrokenBusinessRule
2678 IdealPayment not found BrokenBusinessRule
2679 payrollPeriodId must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2680 payrollPeriodId is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2681 PayslipType must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2682 PayslipType is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2683 Exactly one of these parameters: PayrollComponentSet, payrollComponentCategory or PayrollComponentId must be supplied BrokenBusinessRule
2684 payrollComponentCategory is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2685 payrollComponentSet value is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2686 An existing payment is currently being processed BrokenBusinessRule
2687 Payroll tax return is already payed BrokenBusinessRule
2688 An error occured while creating the payroll tax return message BrokenBusinessRule
2690 It is not possible to request the payroll tax return message. Invalid status of the payroll tax return for performing this action BrokenBusinessRule
2691 PayrollComponentSet, payrollComponentCategory or PayrollComponentID must be supplied BrokenBusinessRule
2692 JournalRunId is required BrokenBusinessRule
2693 JournalRunId must be a Guid BrokenBusinessRule
2694 JournalRun is not in a valid status BrokenBusinessRule
2695 ReportJournalNumber is required BrokenBusinessRule
2696 ReportJournalNumber must be an int BrokenBusinessRule
2697 ReportVoucherNumber has to be an int BrokenBusinessRule
2699 ReportVoucherNumber is required BrokenBusinessRule
2701 ReportYear must be an int BrokenBusinessRule
2702 ReportPeriod is required BrokenBusinessRule
2703 ReportPeriod must be an int BrokenBusinessRule
2704 Date is required BrokenBusinessRule
2705 ReportDate must be a valid date/time BrokenBusinessRule
2706 ReportYear has to be between 1900 and 9999 BrokenBusinessRule
2707 Invalide status for pension declaration BrokenBusinessRule
2708 No message available BrokenBusinessRule
2709 Invalide status for pension declaration BrokenBusinessRule
2710 No default set configured for the payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
2711 X-ValidateOnly cannot be parsed as a boolean value. BrokenBusinessRule
2712 This endpoint does not support ValidateOnly. BrokenBusinessRule
2713 The description must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2714 The description has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2715 The category must have an valid. BrokenBusinessRule
2716 The category has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2717 Year must be within the range BrokenBusinessRule
2718 The attribute field has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2719 Date of alert must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2720 The date of alert can not be in the past. BrokenBusinessRule
2721 The filename must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2722 The filename has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2723 The filename must include a valid file extension BrokenBusinessRule
2724 The employee could not be found in Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
2725 The Qwoater employee could not be created. BrokenBusinessRule
2726 The employer could not be found within Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
2727 The Qwoater document could not be found. BrokenBusinessRule
2728 The provider could not be found within Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
2729 The documenttype is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
2730 The document size exceeds the limit from Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
2731 The attribute could not be modified. BrokenBusinessRule
2732 The document is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
2733 Maximum filesize exceeded BrokenBusinessRule
2734 value must be between 0.01 and 99999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
2735 value must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2736 payrollComponent.key has an invalid value for deviating hourly wage. BrokenBusinessRule
2737 payrollComponent.key is not available within the payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
2738 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij pensioenuitkering BrokenBusinessRule
2739 Pensioenuitkering moet een waarde groter of gelijk aan 0 en kleiner dan 100000 bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
2740 Bedrag moet een waarde hebben. BrokenBusinessRule
2741 Datum contact kan niet voor datum verzuimmelding liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
2742 Datum contact kan niet na datum herteld liggen BrokenBusinessRule
2743 Contact methode kan niet leeg zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
2744 Contact methode bevat een ongeldige waarde. BrokenBusinessRule
2745 Toelicht is te lang. BrokenBusinessRule
2746 StartDate has to have a value BrokenBusinessRule
2747 Invalid value for StartDate BrokenBusinessRule
2748 EndDate has to have a value BrokenBusinessRule
2749 EndDate must have a valid value BrokenBusinessRule
2750 EndDate must be after StartDate BrokenBusinessRule
2751 exemptionInsuranceObligation must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
2752 startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration must have a value when employmentDurationType is 'Onbepaalde tijd' BrokenBusinessRule
2753 hasOnCallAppearanceObligation must be null when isOnCallEmployment is false BrokenBusinessRule
2754 calculateUsingWorkPattern must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
2755 salaryScaleType must be empty when salaryScaleLevel is empty BrokenBusinessRule
2756 NotificationDate must be a valid datetime BrokenBusinessRule
2757 NotificationDate must be after today. BrokenBusinessRule
2758 ExpirationDate must be a valid datetime. BrokenBusinessRule
2759 ExpirationDatedate must be after NotificationDate. BrokenBusinessRule
2760 RecurrencePeriod must be a valid value. BrokenBusinessRule
2762 RecurrencePattern.NumberOfRepetitionsAfterFirstNotification must have a value between 0 and 100. BrokenBusinessRule
2763 Het loonaangiftebericht bestaat niet BrokenBusinessRule
2764 De externePartij is niet toegestaan voor verzending BrokenBusinessRule
2765 Het loonaangiftebericht is nog openstaand BrokenBusinessRule
2766 responsemessage is niet xsd valide. BrokenBusinessRule
2767 identificatie in responsemessage komt niet overeen met opgegeven berichtkenmerk. BrokenBusinessRule
2768 Onbekende fout tijdens verwerking Loonaangifteresponse. BrokenBusinessRule
2769 Onverwachte fout tijdens verwerking Loonaangifteresponse. BrokenBusinessRule
2770 name has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2771 Invalid value for typeOfEducation.key. BrokenBusinessRule
2772 Invalid value for furtherIndication.key. BrokenBusinessRule
2773 Invalid value for educationLevel.key. BrokenBusinessRule
2774 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2775 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2776 Invalid value for hasDiploma.key. BrokenBusinessRule
2777 Invalid value for endOfValidityDate. BrokenBusinessRule
2778 employeeCosts must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2779 employeeCosts must have a value larger than or equal to 0.01. BrokenBusinessRule
2780 employerCosts must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2781 employerCosts must be have a value larger than or equal to 0.01. BrokenBusinessRule
2782 particularities has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2783 RecurrencePattern.RecurrenceNumber must have a value between 0 and 366. BrokenBusinessRule
2784 Startdate may not be before employment startdate. BrokenBusinessRule
2785 StartDate must be before employment enddate BrokenBusinessRule
2786 Enddate must be after startdate BrokenBusinessRule
2787 Enddate must be before employment enddate BrokenBusinessRule
2788 Enddate must have a value when employment is terminated BrokenBusinessRule
2789 BenefitInKindType does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
2790 payScale must be empty when there is no adminstration BrokenBusinessRule
2791 shift must be empty when there is no adminstration BrokenBusinessRule
2792 employeeProfile must be empty when there is no adminstration BrokenBusinessRule
2793 standardFunction must be empty when there is no adminstration BrokenBusinessRule
2794 payScale must have a value when applyPayGrade is true BrokenBusinessRule
2795 Notificationtext cannot have more than 150 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
2796 Value has an invalid pattern BrokenBusinessRule
2797 Value is smaller than 1 or bigger than 99999. BrokenBusinessRule
2798 Brand maximum length exceeded BrokenBusinessRule
2799 Type maximum length exceeded BrokenBusinessRule
2800 Supplier maximum length exceeded BrokenBusinessRule
2801 Particularities maximum length exceeded BrokenBusinessRule
2804 The note is not accessible to the current user. BrokenBusinessRule
2805 After this change, the note is no longer accessible to the current user. Warning
2806 Invalid value for accessibleBy.key. BrokenBusinessRule
2807 subject has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2808 note has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2809 The notes right is required. BrokenBusinessRule
2810 The customField is still used for an employment. BrokenBusinessRule
2811 Value has a invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2812 Invalid CustomFieldID. BrokenBusinessRule
2813 Customfield already in use for this employment. BrokenBusinessRule
2814 Customfield not in use for this employment. BrokenBusinessRule
2815 Value has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2816 The field 'Code' must be unique for the employer BrokenBusinessRule
2817 Unable to delete the record because an education entry or several entries have a reference to this record BrokenBusinessRule
2818 Client name does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
2819 Not all users are in a valid status BrokenBusinessRule
2820 There is a user without the LoketData object BrokenBusinessRule
2821 An invite for a not loket client can not have aLoketData object BrokenBusinessRule
2822 Unknown rol BrokenBusinessRule
2823 User does not have a valid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
2824 Omgeving is empty BrokenBusinessRule
2825 Invites are only allowed for one client at a time BrokenBusinessRule
2828 Invites are only allowed for one client at a time BrokenBusinessRule
2831 User has no login, no email send. BrokenBusinessRule
2832 The field 'Code' must be between 1 and 10 characters (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
2833 The field 'Description' must be between 1 and 50 characters (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
2834 The field 'Code' must have a value. An empty or whitespace string is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
2835 The field 'Description' must have a value. An empty or whitespace string is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
2836 Unauthorized by Qwoater BrokenBusinessRule
2837 It is not possible to perform a calculation for an employment which has already been paid throughout the year. BrokenBusinessRule
2838 Cannot perform a wage projection. The year of the last approved payrollrun is before this current year. BrokenBusinessRule
2839 An error occurred while performing a calculation. BrokenBusinessRule
2840 The payroll tax return could not be initialized BrokenBusinessRule
2841 The creation or processing of the payroll taxreturn failed. BrokenBusinessRule
2842 Er is geen loonheffingennummer bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
2843 Er zijn nog niet bevestigde loonaangifteberichten aanwezig. BrokenBusinessRule
2844 Er is nog een verzoek voor het aanmaken van een loonaangiftebericht in behandeling. BrokenBusinessRule
2845 De administraties onder dit loonheffingennummer hebben een verschillende partij loonaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
2846 Neem contact op met de helpdesk BrokenBusinessRule
2847 Voor deze werkgever moet een jaaraangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
2848 Er is geen periode waarover loonaangifte gedaan kan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
2849 Over de in aanmerking komende periode van loonaangifte mag nog geen loonaangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
2850 Loonaangifte meer dan 7 jaar terug is niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
2851 Loonaangifte is voor het in aanmerking komende jaar nog niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
2852 De aangiftetermijn voor deze loonaangifteperiode is reeds verstreken. Warning
2853 Het loonaangiftebericht bestaat niet BrokenBusinessRule
2854 startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration must be greater than or equal to startDate BrokenBusinessRule
2855 Entity could not be found BrokenBusinessRule
2856 Given startperiod is before endperiod BrokenBusinessRule
2857 Invalid year BrokenBusinessRule
2858 Invalid periodnumber BrokenBusinessRule
2859 Invalid value for startperiod BrokenBusinessRule
2860 Invalid value for endperiod. BrokenBusinessRule
2861 Loonaangifte is voor het in aanmerking komende jaar nog niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
2862 No more payroll periods available within the active year of payrolling. BrokenBusinessRule
2863 code must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2864 code has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2865 code must be unique for the employer. BrokenBusinessRule
2866 description must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2867 description has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2868 Unable to delete the record because an education entry or entries have a reference to this record. BrokenBusinessRule
2869 No available periods found for this process BrokenBusinessRule
2870 De aangiftetermijn voor deze loonaangifteperiode is reeds verstreken Warning
2871 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen loonheffingennummer. BrokenBusinessRule
2872 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen loonheffingennummer. BrokenBusinessRule
2873 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Voor deze werkgever moet een jaaraangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
2874 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen periode waarover loonaangifte gedaan kan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
2875 Loonaangifte meer dan 7 jaar terug is niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
2878 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er zijn nog niet bevestigde loonaangifteberichten. BrokenBusinessRule
2879 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is nog een verzoek voor het aanmaken van een loonaangiftebericht in behandeling. BrokenBusinessRule
2880 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. De administraties onder dit loonheffingennummer hebben een verschillende partij loonaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
2881 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Over de in aanmerking komende periode van loonaangifte mag nog geen loonaangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
2882 Email Notification hasn’t been sent. Employee does not have an email adres. Warning
2883 Email Notification hasn’t been sent. Employee does not have access to WNL. Warning
2884 Email Notification hasn’t been sent. Employee does not have access to the documentcategorie. Warning
2885 Cannot perform a wage projection. The year of the projection payrollperiod is not the current active payroll year. BrokenBusinessRule
2886 Cannot perform a wage projection. There are no payrollperiods with approved payrollruns available for calculation. BrokenBusinessRule
2887 Less than 3 payrollperiods with approved payrollruns were used for calculation. Warning
2888 No active year available BrokenBusinessRule
2889 The customField is still used for an employee. BrokenBusinessRule
2890 businessPhoneNumber has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2891 businessEmailAddress has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2892 businessEmailAddress is not a valid e-mail address BrokenBusinessRule
2893 businessMobilePhoneNumber has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
2894 The field 'Description' must have a value. An empty or whitespace string is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
2895 The field 'Description' must be between 1 and 50 characters (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
2896 Benefit in kind type is still in use and cannot be deleted BrokenBusinessRule
2897 Cannot perform a wage projection. The required payrollcomponent results data is not available for calculation. BrokenBusinessRule
2898 Less than 3 payrollperiods with payrollcomponent results data were used for calculation. Warning
2899 startDate cannot occur before employment startDate BrokenBusinessRule
2900 startDate cannot occur after out of service date BrokenBusinessRule
2901 endDate cannot occur after out of service date BrokenBusinessRule
2902 endDate cannot occur before employment startDate BrokenBusinessRule
2903 endDate cannot occur before startDate BrokenBusinessRule
2904 catalogValue must have a scale of 2 or less BrokenBusinessRule
2905 catalogValue must be greater than 0 or less than1000000 BrokenBusinessRule
2906 kilometersPrivateUse has invalid value BrokenBusinessRule
2907 licensePlateNumber has invalid format BrokenBusinessRule
2908 endDate lease contract cannot occur before startDate lease contract BrokenBusinessRule
2911 leaseOrBuy Key property has invalid value BrokenBusinessRule
2912 waarde has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2913 Invalid CustomFieldID. BrokenBusinessRule
2914 Customfield already in use for this employee. BrokenBusinessRule
2915 comments has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2916 supplier has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2917 fuelCardNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2918 model has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2919 brand has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2920 lease.contractNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2921 The templateEmployerId must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2922 The employment is not active on the given reference date. Warning
2923 The reference date must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
2924 The period is unknown to the administration. BrokenBusinessRule
2925 The period is prior to the first payrollperiod of the administration. BrokenBusinessRule
2926 The period is past the last payrollperiod of the administration. BrokenBusinessRule
2927 Het dienstverband is niet in dienst op de peildatum. Warning
2928 Qwoater document sign request not found. BrokenBusinessRule
2929 There was a problem with the request BrokenBusinessRule
2930 At least one signer is required BrokenBusinessRule
2931 Signer email may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
2932 Signer email exceeds the maximum length BrokenBusinessRule
2933 Signer has an invalid email address BrokenBusinessRule
2934 Signer name may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
2935 Signer name exceeds the maximum length BrokenBusinessRule
2936 Signer mobilePhoneNumber may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
2937 Signer has an invalid mobilePhoneNumber. Format must be like: '+31612345678' BrokenBusinessRule
2938 Period must contain a value BrokenBusinessRule
2939 Invalid year BrokenBusinessRule
2940 Invalid period number BrokenBusinessRule
2941 Period before first period on administration level BrokenBusinessRule
2942 Period after last period on administration level BrokenBusinessRule
2943 Period more than seven year in the past BrokenBusinessRule
2944 Only the first period can be initialized BrokenBusinessRule
2945 Invalid period or previous period have no_approved payrollrun BrokenBusinessRule
2946 The template for the given templateId could not be found. BrokenBusinessRule
2947 Geen data kunnen bepalen om te kunnen completeren BrokenBusinessRule
2948 Wtr must have a value between 0 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
2949 ExcessLeaveToStatutory must have a value between 0 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
2950 Statutory must have a value between 0 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
2951 Wtr number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2952 ExcessLeaveToStatutory number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2953 Statutory number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2954 Name has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2955 Unable to find the leaveUnitType for the given key BrokenBusinessRule
2956 Unable to find the roundTo for the given key BrokenBusinessRule
2957 Unable to find the roundingMethod for the given key BrokenBusinessRule
2958 Unable to find the roundTo for the given key BrokenBusinessRule
2959 Unable to find the accrualType for the given key BrokenBusinessRule
2960 PayoutLeaveImmediately can only be true if accrualType = 3 (uren). BrokenBusinessRule
2961 PayoutLeaveImmediately can only be true if the employer has atleast one payrollAdministration . BrokenBusinessRule
2962 DayOfTheMonthToPerformAutomaticLeaveCalculationOn must have a value between 0 and 31. BrokenBusinessRule
2963 DayOfTheMonthToPerformAutomaticLeaveCalculationOn is not NULL and accrualType = 3 (gewerkte uren) BrokenBusinessRule
2964 Unable to find the allocationType for the given key. BrokenBusinessRule
2965 Unable to find the month of referenceDate1 for the given key. BrokenBusinessRule
2966 If ` referenceDate2 ` has a value referenceDate1.month can only be set to the first 6 months of a year. BrokenBusinessRule
2967 The day of 'referenceDate1 'must have a value between 1 and 31. BrokenBusinessRule
2968 The day of referenceDate1 is not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
2969 Unable to find the month of referenceDate2 for the given key BrokenBusinessRule
2970 The day of 'referenceDate2' must have a value between 1 and 31. BrokenBusinessRule
2971 The day of referenceDate2 is not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
2972 There is still leave booked for this Leave policy BrokenBusinessRule
2973 Leave policy can not be deleted because it is still linked to employments BrokenBusinessRule
2974 EvenWeeks.monday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2975 EvenWeeks.tuesday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2976 EvenWeeks.wednesday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2977 EvenWeeks.thursday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2978 EvenWeeks.friday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2979 EvenWeeks.saturday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2980 EvenWeeks.sunday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2981 OddWeeks.monday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2982 OddWeeks.tuesday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2983 OddWeeks.wednesday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2984 OddWeeks.thursday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2985 OddWeeks.friday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2986 OddWeeks.saturday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2987 OddWeeks.sunday must have a value between 0 and 24. BrokenBusinessRule
2988 EvenWeeks.monday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2989 EvenWeeks.tuesday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2990 EvenWeeks.wednesday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2991 EvenWeeks.thursday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2992 EvenWeeks.friday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2993 EvenWeeks.saturday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2994 EvenWeeks.sunday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2995 EvenWeeks.monday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2996 EvenWeeks.tuesday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2997 EvenWeeks.wednesday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2998 EvenWeeks.thursday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
2999 EvenWeeks.friday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3000 EvenWeeks.saturday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3001 EvenWeeks.sunday number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3002 The day of additionalLeave.referenceDate2 is not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
3003 The day of 'referenceDate2' must have a value between 1 and 31. BrokenBusinessRule
3004 The day of 'referenceDate1' must have a value between 1 and 31. BrokenBusinessRule
3005 AccrualType value is not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
3006 DayOfTheMonthToPerformAutomaticLeaveCalculationOn has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
3007 Leavetype must contain valid values. BrokenBusinessRule
3008 EmailTemplate not found. BrokenBusinessRule
3009 The documentId does not refer to a template without Qwoater. BrokenBusinessRule
3010 This EmailTemplate can't be edited. BrokenBusinessRule
3011 SenderEmail has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3012 Invalid value for SenderEmail. BrokenBusinessRule
3014 EmailTemplate can only be deleted when defined at employer level. BrokenBusinessRule
3015 Body must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
3016 Subject must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
3017 Body has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3018 Subject has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3019 externalTenant must have a value when there is no existent configured External Tenant or when externalUser has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
3020 externalUser must have a value when there is no existent configured External Tenant or when externalTenant has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
3021 UserId is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
3022 invalid userType. The target user must be configured as externalTenant user. BrokenBusinessRule
3023 is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
3024 is empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3025 is already configured and assigned to another user. BrokenBusinessRule
3026 The provided tenant can not be linked to this user. BrokenBusinessRule
3027 The provided tenant can not be linked to this user. BrokenBusinessRule
3028 From.numberOfYears must have a value between 0 and 999. BrokenBusinessRule
3029 UpToAndIncluding.numberOfYears must have a value between 0 and 999. BrokenBusinessRule
3030 From.numberOfMonths must have a value between 0 and 11. BrokenBusinessRule
3031 UpToAndIncluding.numberOfMonths must have a value between 0 and 11. BrokenBusinessRule
3032 If UpToAndIncluding.Age equals From.Age then upToAndIncludingAge.numberOfMonths has to be greater than or equal to fromAge.numberOfMonths. BrokenBusinessRule
3033 ExcessLeaveToStatutory en wtr cannot both be null. BrokenBusinessRule
3034 LeaveEntitlement.wtr must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3035 LeaveEntitlement.excessLeaveToStatutory must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3036 Records may not overlap in regard to UpToAndIncluding and From. BrokenBusinessRule
3037 Wtr number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3038 ExcessLeaveToStatutory number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3039 Ophalen van email template placeholders mislukt BrokenBusinessRule
3040 Unexpected error occurred during calling 'bereken uren' function. BrokenBusinessRule
3041 Unexpected error occurred during calling 'bereken grondslagen' function. BrokenBusinessRule
3042 A TransitionCompensationEmployment can only be created for employments with an endDate. BrokenBusinessRule
3043 A TransitionCompensationEmployment can only be created for employments with a specific endOfEmploymentReason. BrokenBusinessRule
3044 A TransitionCompensationEmployment can only be created for employments on a payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
3045 From.numberOfYears must have a value between 0 and 999. BrokenBusinessRule
3046 UpToAndIncluding.numberOfYears must have a value between 0 and 999. BrokenBusinessRule
3047 From.numberOfMonths must have a value between 0 and 11. BrokenBusinessRule
3048 UpToAndIncluding.numberOfMonths must have a value between 0 and 11. BrokenBusinessRule
3049 If UpToAndIncludingYearsOfService equals FromYearsOfService then upToAndIncludingYearsOfService.numberOfMonths has to be greater than or equal to fromYearsOfService.numberOfMonths. BrokenBusinessRule
3050 ExcessLeaveToStatutory en wtr cannot both be null. BrokenBusinessRule
3051 LeaveEntitlement.wtr must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3052 ExcessLeaveToStatutory number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3053 LeaveEntitlement.excessLeaveToStatutory must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3054 Wtr number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3055 Records may not overlap in regard to UpToAndIncludingYearsOfService en FromYearsOfService.. BrokenBusinessRule
3056 ExcessLeaveToStatutory and wtr cannot both be null BrokenBusinessRule
3057 ExcessLeaveToStatutory and wtr cannot both be null. BrokenBusinessRule
3058 LeaveEntitlement.wtr must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3059 LeaveEntitlement.excessLeaveToStatutory must have a value between 0.01 and 999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3060 Wtr number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3061 ExcessLeaveToStatutory number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3062 Max two decimal places allowed for Value BrokenBusinessRule
3063 Max two decimal places allowed for valueAdditionalIncomeCivilService BrokenBusinessRule
3064 Max two decimal places allowed for valueAdditionalIncomeNonCivilService BrokenBusinessRule
3065 Value must contain a value between 0 and 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
3066 valueAdditionalIncomeCivilService must contain a value between 0 and 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
3067 valueAdditionalIncomeNonCivilService must contain a value between 0 and 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
3068 Value can't be smaller than ValueAdditionalIncomeCivilService BrokenBusinessRule
3069 Value can't be smaller than ValueAdditionalIncomeNonCivilService . BrokenBusinessRule
3070 Invalid value for startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
3071 It is not possible to perform a calculation with input parameters for parttime wages. BrokenBusinessRule
3072 percentageChange must have a value between 0.01 and 99.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3073 percentageChange must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3074 sourceLeavePolicyId is empty or invalid BrokenBusinessRule
3075 sourceLeavePolicyId is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
3076 name is empty or only whitespace. BrokenBusinessRule
3077 Firstname has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
3078 Invalid value for UserSpecifiedRole BrokenBusinessRule
3079 Please provide a CustomUserSpecifiedRole when UserSpecifiedRole is 'Overig nl.' BrokenBusinessRule
3080 CustomUserSpecifiedRole has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
3081 CustomUserSpecifiedRole can only be filled when UserSpecifiedRole is 'Overig nl.' BrokenBusinessRule
3082 notifyOfInitiation contains an invalid email address BrokenBusinessRule
3083 notifyOfInitiation contains too much text BrokenBusinessRule
3084 Employment can only be linked or unlinked once in a request. BrokenBusinessRule
3085 Employment is unknown to the employer. BrokenBusinessRule
3086 Employment is already linked to the leavepolicy. BrokenBusinessRule
3087 Employment isn't linked to the leavepolicy and therefore can't be unlinked. BrokenBusinessRule
3088 Employment can't be linked because it is already linked to a leavepolicy with another leaveUnitType. BrokenBusinessRule
3089 It is not possible to perform a calculation for an employment which has an endDate. BrokenBusinessRule
3090 It is not possible to perform a calculation with input parameters for an employment which has a schedule. BrokenBusinessRule
3091 hoursPerWeek must have a value between 1 and 99.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3092 hoursPerWeek must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3093 An error occurred while automatically starting the journalRun for this payrollRun. Warning
3094 Invalid value for payrollPeriodId. BrokenBusinessRule
3095 The period has already been marked ReadyForPayroll. Warning
3096 The period already has an approved payrollrun. Warning
3097 The number of email addresses in emailAddressPeriodReadyForPayroll must be at least 1 and at most 10. BrokenBusinessRule
3098 emailAddressPeriodReadyForPayroll has one or more invalid email addresses. BrokenBusinessRule
3099 The combined length of the email addresses cannot exceed 6000 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
3100 userComment cannot contain more than 1000 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
3101 No deviations allowed for the leaveTypes with key 1 and 15 = BrokenBusinessRule
3102 description has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3103 ‘CostPerHour’ must not be more than with 2 decimal places. BrokenBusinessRule
3104 CostPerHour must have a value between -100000.00 and 100000.00. BrokenBusinessRule
3105 CostPerHour already exists for this period. BrokenBusinessRule
3106 The period is unknown to the administration. BrokenBusinessRule
3107 The employment must belong to a payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
3108 UpToAndIncludingWage has to be greater than FromWage. BrokenBusinessRule
3109 Date is already registered as custom holiday. BrokenBusinessRule
3110 Date is also registered as a national holiday. BrokenBusinessRule
3111 Omschrijving mag niet meer dan 50 karakters bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
3112 The selected employer does not confirm to the required configuration. The given employer has multiple administrations which is not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
3113 The selected employer does not have a payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
3114 The selected employer does not have exactly one active employment. BrokenBusinessRule
3115 Value has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3116 Employment startdate may not be in the future. BrokenBusinessRule
3117 loginMethod is a required object. BrokenBusinessRule
3118 loginMethod.key has an invalid value BrokenBusinessRule
3119 loginMethod.key may not be changed when the accessStatus is related to an invitation. BrokenBusinessRule
3120 azureActiveDirectory may not be null when loginMethod.key is 5 (Active Directory). BrokenBusinessRule
3121 azureActiveDirectory must be null when loginMethod.key is not 5 (Active Directory). BrokenBusinessRule
3122 contains an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
3123 personalDetails.initials may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3124 personalDetails.initials contains invalid character(s). BrokenBusinessRule
3125 personalDetails.lastName contains invalid character(s). BrokenBusinessRule
3126 personalDetails.lastName may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3127 personalDetails.prefix has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3128 contactInformation.phoneNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3129 contactInformation.placeOfEmployment has an invalid length BrokenBusinessRule
3130 contactInformation.emailAddress may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
3131 contactInformation.emailAddress has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
3132 contactInformation.emailAddress is not an emailAddress BrokenBusinessRule
3133 Loonaangifteberichten die niet door worden afgehandeld kunnen niet worden geannuleerd. BrokenBusinessRule
3134 Gebruiker Id is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
3135 User not found. BrokenBusinessRule
3136 grossWage must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3137 grossWage must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3138 hoursPerWeek must have a value between 0.01 and 99.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3139 hoursPerWeek must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3140 dateOfBirth must have a valid value. BrokenBusinessRule
3141 holidayAllowance.percentage must have a value between 0 and 999.999999. BrokenBusinessRule
3142 holidayAllowance.percentage must have a scale of 6 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3143 additionalPayrollPeriod.percentage must have a value between 0 and 999.999999. BrokenBusinessRule
3144 additionalPayrollPeriod.percentage must have a scale of 6 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3145 Error while calculating wage. BrokenBusinessRule
3146 Warning while calculating wage. Warning
3147 deviations.grossWagePercentageChange must have a value between 0.01 and 99.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3148 deviations.grossWagePercentageChange must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3149 deviations.hoursPerWeek must have a value between 1 and 99.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3150 deviations.hoursPerWeek must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3151 It is not possible to perform a calculation for an employment where "working hours" cannot be calculated BrokenBusinessRule
3152 The given user is department manager for another employer. A user must be either department manager for all or none of the linked employers BrokenBusinessRule
3153 The given user linked to another employer (not as department manager). A user must be either department manager for all or none of the linked employers. BrokenBusinessRule
3154 Users with access to the dashboard cannot be linked to departments. BrokenBusinessRule
3155 A user can only be linked to a department once. BrokenBusinessRule
3156 Only one action per department per call allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
3157 The user was linked to a department that was already accessible through another department by means of the 'hasAccessToSubDepartments' option. BrokenBusinessRule
3158 Email Notifcation hasn't been sent. Error while sending email Warning
3159 Department managers cannot be given a dashboard license BrokenBusinessRule
3160 Maximum number of licenses exceded BrokenBusinessRule
3161 All licenses must be provided, containing an Id of Null value BrokenBusinessRule
3162 A user can only be linked to one license BrokenBusinessRule
3163 Only users with access to the employer can be a dashboard user for that employer BrokenBusinessRule
3164 The departments are not allowed for given request. BrokenBusinessRule
3165 No Qlik License available BrokenBusinessRule
3166 Invalid RunId. BrokenBusinessRule
3167 The pensionDeclaration has already been cancelled. BrokenBusinessRule
3168 The pensionDeclaration has already been confirmed. BrokenBusinessRule
3169 The pensionDeclaration has already been cancelled. BrokenBusinessRule
3170 The current user is not allowed to perform this action(Invalid provider). BrokenBusinessRule
3171 Ongeldige waarde voor ExternePartij. BrokenBusinessRule
3172 UPA pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk voor de bij de werkgever vastgelegde externe partij BrokenBusinessRule
3173 UPA pensioenaangifte kan niet plaatsvinden. Bij de geselecteerde werkgever is er geen klantgroepnummer bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3174 UPA pensioenaangifte kan (nog) niet plaatsvinden in geval van weekverloning. BrokenBusinessRule
3175 UPA pensioenaangifte kan niet plaatsvinden. Cao code loonaangifte is niet bekend. Indien geen cao van toepassing gebruik dan 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
3176 UPA pensioenaangifte kan niet plaatsvinden. Er is geen identificatie leverancier bekend (idLcr). Deze kan bij de betreffende instantie worden aangevraagd." BrokenBusinessRule
3177 UPA pensioenaangifte kan niet plaatsvinden. Bij de geselecteerde werkgever is er geen loonheffingennummer bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3180 UPA pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is inmiddels een verzoek in behandeling. BrokenBusinessRule
3181 UPA pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is reeds een nog niet goedgekeurd UPA-pensioenaangifte bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3182 UPA pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen periode waarover pensioenaangifte gedaan kan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
3183 UPA pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2017 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3184 UPA pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2018 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3185 UPA pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2019 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3186 UPA pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2020 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3187 UPA pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2021 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3188 UPA Pensioenaangifte meer dan 7 jaar terug is niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3189 UPA pensioenaangifte is voor het in aanmerking komende jaar nog niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3190 UPA pensioenaangifte kan niet worden aangemaakt. Er is geen fonds ingericht welke gekoppeld is (via een externe fondscode) aan een upa-pensioenfonds. BrokenBusinessRule
3191 UPA pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Over de in aanmerking komende periode van pensioenaangifte mag nog geen aangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
3192 Voor de in aanmerking komende periode mag er voor de ingerichte externe partij geen aangifte (meer) worden gedaan. BrokenBusinessRule
3193 Invalid RunId. BrokenBusinessRule
3194 The pensionDeclaration has already been cancelled. BrokenBusinessRule
3195 The pensionDeclaration has already been confirmed. BrokenBusinessRule
3196 The pensionDeclaration has already been cancelled. BrokenBusinessRule
3197 The current user is not allowed to perform this action(Invalid provider). BrokenBusinessRule
3198 Cao not found. BrokenBusinessRule
3199 Unexpected error occurred during calling 'bereken jaar grondslagen' function. BrokenBusinessRule
3200 Unexpected error occurred during calling 'bereken verlof uren' function. BrokenBusinessRule
3202 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk voor de bij de werkgever vastgelegde externe partij BrokenBusinessRule
3203 APG pensioenaangifte kan niet plaatsvinden. Bij de geselecteerde werkgever is er geen klantgroepnummer bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3204 APG pensioenaangifte kan (nog) niet plaatsvinden in geval van weekverloning. BrokenBusinessRule
3205 APG pensioenaangifte kan niet plaatsvinden. Bij de geselecteerde werkgever is er geen loonheffingennummer bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3206 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is inmiddels een verzoek in behandeling. BrokenBusinessRule
3207 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is reeds een nog niet goedgekeurd APG-pensioenaangifte bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3208 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen periode waarover pensioenaangifte gedaan kan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
3209 APG Pensioenaangifte meer dan 7 jaar terug is niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3210 APG pensioenaangifte is voor het in aanmerking komende jaar nog niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3211 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Over de in aanmerking komende periode van pensioenaangifte mag nog geen aangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
3212 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er zijn geen (verloning)gegevens welke in aanmerking komen. BrokenBusinessRule
3213 APG Pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Voor de in aanmerking komende periode van APG-pensioenaangifte zijn geen werknemers aanwezig die bij externe partijen mogen worden aangeleverd. Plaats een dummy APG-pensioenaangifte voor deze periode. BrokenBusinessRule
3214 APG pensioenaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen geldige klantgroep bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
3215 This endpoint can only be used for integrations for an employer user. BrokenBusinessRule
3216 User Integration not found. BrokenBusinessRule
3217 Invalid role. BrokenBusinessRule
3218 Concept employee must have a firstname BrokenBusinessRule
3219 Concept employee must have a valid email BrokenBusinessRule
3220 Concept employee must have an email. BrokenBusinessRule
3221 companyCar.fiscalAddition must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3222 companyCar.fiscalAddition must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3223 companyCar.fiscalAdditionPeriod must have a valid value. BrokenBusinessRule
3224 must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3225 must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3226 deductions.gross must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3227 deductions.gross must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3228 must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3229 must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3230 payments.gross must have a value between 0.01 and 999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
3231 payments.gross must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
3232 Error in the communication with SelectionLab BrokenBusinessRule
3233 Enddate may not be more than 365 days after the startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
3234 Chamber of Commerce number could not be found BrokenBusinessRule
3235 ChamberOfCommerceNumber must contain 8 digits BrokenBusinessRule
3236 Two factor can only be required for users with loginMethod = 3 “Via website en SSO” BrokenBusinessRule
3237 There already is an open preboarding traject. BrokenBusinessRule
3238 There is no open preboarding traject. BrokenBusinessRule
3239 Only employer users and/or department managers can be linked/unlinked to and from departments. BrokenBusinessRule
3240 No valid period available. BrokenBusinessRule
3241 No valid journalprofile available. BrokenBusinessRule
3242 No valid journal run in previous period available. BrokenBusinessRule
3243 No valid payrollrun available. BrokenBusinessRule
3244 A journalrun is busy. BrokenBusinessRule
3245 There is a journalrun is exporting. BrokenBusinessRule
3246 Logo MimeType not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
3247 Logo size not allowed exceeds maximum. BrokenBusinessRule
3248 Logo format not allowed must be Base64 string. BrokenBusinessRule
3249 startDate must be on or after August 1 2022 for benefit.type parental leave. BrokenBusinessRule
3250 benefit.percentage must be 70 for benefit.type parental leave. BrokenBusinessRule
3251 UPA pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2022 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
3252 EmploymentCategoryType moet 0 (Standaard) zijn indien het Dienstverband ergens als linkedEmployment is ingesteld. BrokenBusinessRule
3264 OnderdeelVanDienstverband moet een waarde hebben indien employmentCategoryType <> 0 (standaard). BrokenBusinessRule
3265 OnderdeelVanDienstverband bestaat niet. BrokenBusinessRule
3266 OnderdeelVanDienstverband mag niet naar dienstverband zelf verwijzen. BrokenBusinessRule
3267 OnderdeelVanDienstverband moet een waarde hebben van een dienstverband met een gelijk Bsn (sofinummer). BrokenBusinessRule
3268 OnderdeelVanDienstverband moet een waarde hebben van een dienstverband met een gelijke geboortedatum. BrokenBusinessRule
3269 OnderdeelVanDienstverband mag niet van een andere administratie zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
3270 OnderdeelVanDienstverband mag niet aan een reeds afgesloten dienstverband worden gekoppeld. BrokenBusinessRule
3272 OnderdeelVanDienstverband moet van het CategoryType 0 (standaard) zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
3273 OnderdeelVanDienstverband mag niet later gestart zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
3274 OnderdeelVanDienstverband moet null zijn indien employmentCategoryType = 0 (standaard). BrokenBusinessRule
3276 Employment cannot be terminated. Underlying employments must be terminated first. BrokenBusinessRule
3277 Enddate cannot be before the enddate of the underlying employments BrokenBusinessRule
3278 Enddate cannot be past the enddate of the linkedEmployment BrokenBusinessRule
3279 EndDate is required when linked employment has an EndDate BrokenBusinessRule
3280 StartDate must be prior to the startdate(s) of underlying employments. BrokenBusinessRule
3281 StartDate cannot be prior to the startdate of the linked employment. BrokenBusinessRule
3282 An error occurred while creating payment file (functional error). BrokenBusinessRule
3283 An error occurred while creating payment file (functional error). BrokenBusinessRule
3284 An error occurred while creating payment file (functional error). BrokenBusinessRule
3285 Payroll taxreturn not found. BrokenBusinessRule
3286 TypeDienstverbandCode moet een waarde hebben. BrokenBusinessRule
3287 Fout tijdens ophalen url YourCampus BrokenBusinessRule
3288 The payroll simulation cannot be started if the employment has an enddate. BrokenBusinessRule
3289 The payroll simulation cannot be started for an employment linked to a non-payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
3290 The payroll simulation cannot be started because payrolling for this employment has either finished for the active payrollyear or the last approved payroll does not relate to the active payrollyear. BrokenBusinessRule
3291 The payroll simulation cannot be started if the employment does not have a wage. BrokenBusinessRule
3292 Invalid journal application BrokenBusinessRule
3293 Invalid journalrun BrokenBusinessRule
3294 No available data BrokenBusinessRule
3295 Not all components are linked to a ledger. BrokenBusinessRule
3296 Unknown journalrun export error BrokenBusinessRule
3297 Date may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3298 Period may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
3299 Administration may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3300 includeCostCenter may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3301 includeCostUnit may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3302 Account may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3303 Declaration not found for patching process. BrokenBusinessRule
3304 User not authorized for patching this declaration. BrokenBusinessRule
3305 Declaration has invalid state to patch BrokenBusinessRule
3306 payrollPeriodId may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
3307 payrollPeriodId must have a valid value. BrokenBusinessRule
3308 The pensionDeclaration contains negative values. BrokenBusinessRule
3309 Leaverequest cannot be accepted due to the leavetype being disabled on employer level. BrokenBusinessRule
3310 EmailIdentity may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
3311 Email address for EmailIdentity not implemented. BrokenBusinessRule
3312 EmailIdentity may not exceed 321 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
3313 EmailIdentity is an invalid format. BrokenBusinessRule
3314 Domain does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
3315 EmailIdentity not found at Amazon. BrokenBusinessRule
3316 Invalid accountId BrokenBusinessRule
3317 EmailIdentity doesn't exists for ProviderId. BrokenBusinessRule
3318 EmailIdentity doesn't exists for EmployerId. BrokenBusinessRule
3319 Invalid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
3320 EmailIdentity is not verified. BrokenBusinessRule
3321 It is not possible to perform a calculation based on next payroll year's salary values because the values are not yet available. BrokenBusinessRule
3322 Het bericht mag alleen unieke dienstverbanden bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
3323 Het bericht mag alleen dienstverbanden van de opgegeven werkgever bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
3376 DagboekCode must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
3377 Fout tijdens ophalen administraties BrokenBusinessRule
3378 Ongeldige gegevens om koppelingen op te maken. BrokenBusinessRule
4376 Rate limit exceeded: access_token not expired BrokenBusinessRule
4377 FinancialYear may not be empty BrokenBusinessRule
4378 Administration is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
4379 Unknown error in the communication with ExactOnline BrokenBusinessRule
4380 Periode moet een waarde van minimaal 1 en maximaal 53 hebben. BrokenBusinessRule
4381 An unknown error occured when exporting to Twinfield BrokenBusinessRule
4382 There is already an existing contract code with the given code BrokenBusinessRule
4383 Picture MimeType not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
4384 Picture size not allowed exceeds maximum. BrokenBusinessRule
4385 Picture format not allowed must be Base64 string. BrokenBusinessRule
4386 Contractcode is still in use. BrokenBusinessRule
4387 Omschrijving mag niet meer dan 50 karakters bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
4388 Proforma currently in use by a different user BrokenBusinessRule
4389 An initialization is currently in progress. BrokenBusinessRule
4391 EmploymentId must be NULL if proformaType is set to 'Without employments' BrokenBusinessRule
4392 Proforma already active for this user BrokenBusinessRule
4393 EmployeeId must be part of the employmentId in the path BrokenBusinessRule
4394 User not found for this employer or no longer has the right configuration. BrokenBusinessRule
4395 Description must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
4398 An unexpected error in the communication with EAccounting occurred. BrokenBusinessRule
4399 User may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
4400 Password may not be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
4401 An unknown error occurred when exporting to Reeleezee. BrokenBusinessRule
4402 fixedContribution.employmentContribution must have a value between 0 and 9999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
4403 JournalNumber must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
4404 Error processing data to be send BrokenBusinessRule
4405 Invalid action. BrokenBusinessRule
4406 Wage proposal does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
4407 Wage proposal has an invalid status. BrokenBusinessRule
4408 Can not approve wage proposal. No current wage record found for proposal's startdate. BrokenBusinessRule
4409 Can not approve wage proposal. Wage paygrade scale has been changed since the proposal was created. BrokenBusinessRule
4410 Current wage record has been adjusted after the wage proposal was created. BrokenBusinessRule
4412 The given CostUnit was not found in EAccounting BrokenBusinessRule
4413 The given costcenter was not found in EAccounting BrokenBusinessRule
4414 The given CostCenter is not active in EAccounting BrokenBusinessRule
4415 The given CostUnit is not active in EAccounting BrokenBusinessRule
4416 Adminsitration must have a numeric value for IMuis BrokenBusinessRule
4417 SubAdministratie must be a numeric value for IMuis BrokenBusinessRule
4418 The values for costcenter and costunit may not be the same. BrokenBusinessRule
4419 Description may not be more than 100 characters for EAccounting. BrokenBusinessRule
4420 Er is een melding uit IMuis als antwoord op het request. BrokenBusinessRule
4421 Both startPeriod and endPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
4422 If reportYear has a value, then both startPeriod and endPeriod must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
4423 startPeriod and endPeriod are not in the same year. BrokenBusinessRule
4424 endPeriod may not be before startPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
4425 startPeriod does not exist for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
4426 endPeriod does not exist for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
4427 Either reportYear or both startPeriod and endPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
4428 Both startPeriod and endPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
4429 If reportYear has a value, then both startPeriod and endPeriod must be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
4430 reportYear does not exist for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
5430 Gebruiker heeft geen afbeelding. BrokenBusinessRule
5431 Afbeelding MimeType not allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
5432 Afbeelding size not allowed exceeds maximum. BrokenBusinessRule
5433 Afbeelding format not allowed must be Base64 string. BrokenBusinessRule
5434 Only output for the year 2005 and beyond is supported. BrokenBusinessRule
5435 includeEmployeeSelfService is only supported starting from the year 2009. BrokenBusinessRule
5436 year does not exist for the payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
5437 The selected employee profile contains funds that are already linked. BrokenBusinessRule
5438 The given profile contains ABP funds that were already linked. BrokenBusinessRule
5439 The given profile contains a base of calculation that was already linked. BrokenBusinessRule
5440 The given profile contains a benefit or deduction that was already linked. BrokenBusinessRule
5441 It is not possible to request the payroll tax return message. Unsupported year of the payroll tax return for performing this action BrokenBusinessRule
6441 Payroll tax return message not available BrokenBusinessRule
6442 Parameter IncludeEmploymentsThatEndedBeforeStartOfTheYear can only be true for reportType 'baseForCalculationBalancesAtStartOfYear'. BrokenBusinessRule
6443 CSV output can only be used for reportType 'baseForCalculationBalancesAtStartOfYear'. BrokenBusinessRule
6444 Er is nog een openstaande AWF periode, deze moet eerst worden afgesloten. BrokenBusinessRule
6445 The given profile is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
6446 The employment may not have an enddate BrokenBusinessRule
6447 initiationParameters.typeOfInitiation is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
6448 initiationParameters.emailAddressPayrollRunStarted has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
6449 initiationParameters.emailAddressPayrollRunFinished has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
6450 If initiationParameters.typeOfInitiation is withoutEmploymentData then the selected payroll period must be the first available payroll period that does not have an approved payroll run within the active year of payrolling. BrokenBusinessRule
6451 availableForEmployeeDate must be empty. Warning
6452 Multiple collection are not supported in reports BrokenBusinessRule
6453 It’s not allowed to send in the same notificationType.key multiple times in a single call BrokenBusinessRule
6454 createNumberOfDaysBeforeEvent must be between 0 and 99 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
6455 receiveDepartmentSignalsOnly only works for department managers Warning
6456 PayrollComponentID is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
6457 Provided userId is not an employer user. BrokenBusinessRule
6458 Provided employerId and userId combination is not valid. BrokenBusinessRule
6459 notificationSet.Id does not exist for the given userId BrokenBusinessRule
6460 PAWW pensioenaangifte is met gegevens van voor 2023 niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
6461 It is not allowed to send in the same multiple times in a single call. BrokenBusinessRule
6462 One or more's do not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
6463 It is not allowed to assign one or more provided's. BrokenBusinessRule
6464 It is not allowed to assign one or more provided's. BrokenBusinessRule
6465 Logged-in user is unauthorized to assign authorizations of the 'Beheer inrichting' type for the provided user within the context of the provided employer. BrokenBusinessRule
6466 Existing employeruser record not found. BrokenBusinessRule
6467 is invalid. The authorizationSet does not exist for the provider of the given user. BrokenBusinessRule
6468 Unknown notificationType.key BrokenBusinessRule
6469 Username is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
6470 Password must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
6471 Password is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
6472 Email may not contain multiple addresses. BrokenBusinessRule
6473 Password must be empty if tenant is set. BrokenBusinessRule
6474 Tenant doesn't exist. BrokenBusinessRule
7510 destinationForSecret has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
7511 EventType not found. BrokenBusinessRule
7512 A user cannot be linked to the same employer twice BrokenBusinessRule
7513 A normal employer user cannot be linked to departments when connected to multiple employers BrokenBusinessRule
7514 A department manager must be linked to departments when connected to a new employer BrokenBusinessRule
7515 A user cannot be linked to an employer with a different provider BrokenBusinessRule
7516 Given employer user not found BrokenBusinessRule
7518 A user cannot link an employer user that is not accessible through a common employer BrokenBusinessRule
7519 No record to delete for the given EventType. BrokenBusinessRule
7520 The administration doesn't have a PAWW fund. BrokenBusinessRule
7521 Product kan niet worden ontkoppeld BrokenBusinessRule
7522 Product moet uniek zijn BrokenBusinessRule
7523 Product niet beschikbaar BrokenBusinessRule
7524 Product is al gekoppeld BrokenBusinessRule
7525 Product is al ontkoppeld BrokenBusinessRule
7526 destinationForSecret has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
7527 action is invalid. Only 'Resend' or 'Revoke' are allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
7528 X-SkipGlobalFilter cannot be parsed as a boolean value. BrokenBusinessRule
7529 resendInformation and all underlying properties must have a value when action is 'Resend'. BrokenBusinessRule
7531 resendInformation.employerId is invalid. It is not allowed to resend an invite for an employer that the invitee has no access to. BrokenBusinessRule
7532 resendInformation.destinationForSecret has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
7533 resendInformation.emailAddress has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
7534 resendInformation.emailAddress does not contain exactly one valid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
7535 destinationForSecret is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
7536 resendInformation.destinationForSecret is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
7537 Department(s) not found BrokenBusinessRule
7538 Employer not found BrokenBusinessRule
7539 Unknown action to perform. Possible actions are "confirm" and "cancel". BrokenBusinessRule
7540 An unexpected database error occurred while performing the action. BrokenBusinessRule
7541 Payroll tax return message not found. It might have been cancelled instead. BrokenBusinessRule
7542 Payroll tax return message not found. It might have been cancelled already. BrokenBusinessRule
7543 Payroll tax return message has already been confirmed. It cannot be confirmed again. BrokenBusinessRule
7544 Payroll tax return message has already been confirmed. It cannot be cancelled anymore. BrokenBusinessRule
7545 Unknown action to perform. Possible actions are "confirm" and "cancel". BrokenBusinessRule
7546 Payroll run not found. BrokenBusinessRule
7547 An unexpected database error occurred while performing the action. BrokenBusinessRule
7548 No closed payroll year available or all closed payroll years are more than 5 years in the past BrokenBusinessRule
7549 It is not possible to automatically start a journalRun for the given payrollperiode because there is no journalrun for the previous payroll period Warning
7550 The given payrollAdministration is configured for annual payroll tax returns please use that option. BrokenBusinessRule
7551 Signal pay grade adjustment already disabled. BrokenBusinessRule
7552 Signal pay grade adjustment already enabled. BrokenBusinessRule
7553 Employment does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
7554 Invalid action. BrokenBusinessRule
7555 Please finish the previous payroll tax return before starting a new one BrokenBusinessRule
7556 Unable to start a new payroll tax return because there is still a run in progress. BrokenBusinessRule
7557 Configuration error, there is an inconsistency in the configuration of `furtherProcessingDoneBy` for the payroll administrations with the same payrollTaxesNumber BrokenBusinessRule
7558 Payroll tax return is not allowed for test payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
7559 Payroll tax return for a closed payroll year is not allowed for the active payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
7560 There are no approved payroll runs for the given payroll year that have not yet been processed in a payroll tax return. BrokenBusinessRule
7561 Payroll tax return for a closed payroll year is only allowed when the deadline for declaration for the last payroll period of that year has passed. De-activate the last payroll tax return for the last period and start a normal payroll tax return BrokenBusinessRule
7562 A normal payroll tax return must be performed for every payroll period of the given payroll year before a correction can be send. BrokenBusinessRule
7563 Payroll tax return for a year more than 5 years in the past is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
7564 The given payroll year is not valid BrokenBusinessRule
8550 Jaar is geen geldig jaar. BrokenBusinessRule
8551 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is geen loonheffingennummer bekend. BrokenBusinessRule
8552 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Voor deze werkgever moet een periodeaangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
8553 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er zijn nog niet bevestigde loonaangifteberichten. BrokenBusinessRule
8554 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Er is nog een verzoek voor het aanmaken van een loonaangiftebericht in behandeling. BrokenBusinessRule
8555 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. De administraties onder dit loonheffingennummer hebben een verschillende partij loonaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
8556 Loonaangifte verder dan 5 jaar in het verleden is niet toegestaan. BrokenBusinessRule
8557 Loonaangifte is niet mogelijk. Over de in aanmerking komende periode van loonaangifte mag nog geen loonaangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
8558 Loonaangifte is voor het in aanmerking komende jaar nog niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
8559 Het in aanmerking komende verloningsjaar is niet bekend bij de administratie. BrokenBusinessRule
8560 het een testjaar betreft mag er geen loonaangifte gedaan worden. BrokenBusinessRule
8561 SIGNAAL: De aangiftetermijn voor deze loonaangifteperiode is reeds verstreken. Warning
8562 Het jaar van aangifte is gelijk aan het jaar van vandaag. Warning
8563 Mag niet langer zijn dan 1000 karakters. BrokenBusinessRule
8564 Bevat een ongeldig e-mailadres. BrokenBusinessRule
8565 There are unconfirmed payroll tax return runs. BrokenBusinessRule
8566 There are unsent payroll tax return runs. BrokenBusinessRule
8567 There are open payroll tax return runs. BrokenBusinessRule
8568 There are corrections in the previous year. BrokenBusinessRule
8569 The payroll tax return run has already been undone. BrokenBusinessRule
8570 The payroll tax return has expired. Warning
8571 The payroll tax return run contains corrections. Warning
8572 By undoing the payroll tax return for this period, it is not automatically removed from the tax authorities. After undoing the payroll tax return, you must recreate and confirm the payroll tax return for this period. Warning
8573 Only the latest payroll tax return can be undone. BrokenBusinessRule
8574 De loonaangifte moet reeds verzonden zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
8575 De loonaangifte mag niet verwijderd zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
8576 De loonaangifte mag niet verstuurd worden door een externe applicatie. BrokenBusinessRule
8577 De loonaangifte betreft geen periode of jaar aangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
8578 De periode van het loonaangifte bericht mag geen 0 zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
8579 Loonaangifte verder dan 5 jaar in het verleden is niet toegestaan. BrokenBusinessRule
8580 Er kan geen LoonaangifteBericht worden gevonden. BrokenBusinessRule
8581 The given exportset Wnl is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8582 Application not found. BrokenBusinessRule
8583 is too long. BrokenBusinessRule
8584 contactInformation.phoneNumber is too long. BrokenBusinessRule
8585 contactInformation.emailAddress is too long. BrokenBusinessRule
8586 contactInformation.emailAddress is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
8587 message is too long. BrokenBusinessRule
8588 Leave Policy can not be recieved when Accrual type is based on hours. BrokenBusinessRule
8589 Leave Policy can not be recieved when month is supplied and Accrual type is on Year. BrokenBusinessRule
8590 Leave Policy Entitlement Based On Months must have parameter Month when Accrual type is on Month. BrokenBusinessRule
8591 Withdrawing IncomeRelationshipNumber not possible because there is no payrollTaxesNumber BrokenBusinessRule
8592 No payroll tax return with the status open available to add the withdrawal to BrokenBusinessRule
8593 There is no payroll tax return with the status open for the given payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
8594 Intrekking kan niet worden aangemaakt, openstaande loonaangiftebericht is reeds verstuurd naar een externe partij. BrokenBusinessRule
8595 The value of the year parameter is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
8596 The value of the month parameter is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
8597 Leave policy entitlement is equal to leave policy accrual. No change is needed. Warning
8598 Request body should have at least one include (e.g. IncludeStaturoryLeave) set to 'true' BrokenBusinessRule
8599 No LeavePolicyEntitlement was found for supplied employmentId, leavePolicyId and Year/Month BrokenBusinessRule
8600 Import File Invalid not a valid base 64 string. BrokenBusinessRule
8601 Not all columns can be found in file. See message properties for more information. BrokenBusinessRule
8602 Withdrawing IncomeRelationshipNumber not possible because the payroll tax return is processed by a different software BrokenBusinessRule
8603 The combination of payrollId and incomeRelationshipNumber does not exist for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8604 Withdrawing IncomeRelationshipNumber not possible because no payroll tax return has yet been sent to the tax authorities to do a withdrawal over/on. BrokenBusinessRule
8605 The given payroll period is on or after the payroll period of the currently open payroll tax return. BrokenBusinessRule
8606 The payroll tax return does not contain a correction section. BrokenBusinessRule
8607 No tax return was done for the given combination of payrollId and incomeRelationshipNumber BrokenBusinessRule
8608 A withdrawal already exists for the given combination of payrollId and incomeRelationshipNumber BrokenBusinessRule
8609 This function can only be used for employer users. BrokenBusinessRule
8610 This function can only be used when the given user has access to just one employer. BrokenBusinessRule
8611 User still has (oauth) integrations. Please manually remove these before deleting the user. BrokenBusinessRule
8612 transferNotificationsTo employer user not found. BrokenBusinessRule
8613 Notifications can only be transferred to employer users. BrokenBusinessRule
8614 You cannot transfer the notifications of the to be deleted user to the to be deleted user. BrokenBusinessRule
8615 Notifications can not be transferred to an employer user that does not have access to the same employer. BrokenBusinessRule
8616 The import file contains no data. BrokenBusinessRule
8617 Invalid content found in file. See message properties for more information. BrokenBusinessRule
8618 Import File invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8619 Error during validation of file BrokenBusinessRule
8620 Invalid value for factor BrokenBusinessRule
8621 UPA pension declaration is not allowed for the active payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
8622 UPA pension declaration for a year more than 5 years in the past is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
8623 It's not allowed to perform a UPA-pension declaration for a test payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
8624 No UPA fund configured for the given payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
8625 Unable to start a new UPA pensioen declaration because there is no unprocessed payrollrun BrokenBusinessRule
8626 Unable to start a new UPA pensioen declaration because there are no employments that are valid for an UPA pensioen declaration BrokenBusinessRule
8628 The given employer and employeruser combination is not valid. BrokenBusinessRule
8629 The given employer and transferNotificationsTo combination is not valid. BrokenBusinessRule
8630 This function can only be used when the given user has access to multiple employers. BrokenBusinessRule
8631 action is invalid. Only 'RevokeAccess' and 'ReinstateAccess' are allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
8632 No known email for the given user. No email was sent to inform the user of this action. BrokenBusinessRule
8634 Employer user is not linked to employer BrokenBusinessRule
8635 CustomerGroupNumber must have a value to start a APG pensioen declaration. BrokenBusinessRule
8636 Unable to start a new APG pensioen declaration because there is still a run in progress. BrokenBusinessRule
8637 Unable to start a new APG pensioen declaration because there is still a run with the status in progress. BrokenBusinessRule
8638 The given declaration has already been deleted/deactivated. BrokenBusinessRule
8639 The given declaration is not the last declaration in the chain. Please delete the declarations in order of year and period desc. BrokenBusinessRule
8640 Unable to start a new UPA pensioen declaration because the given UPA provider does not support declaration for the given year. BrokenBusinessRule
8641 There is no declaration to deactivate BrokenBusinessRule
8642 Unable to start a new UPA pension declaration because there is still a run in progress. BrokenBusinessRule
8643 Unable to start a new UPA pension declaration because there is still a run with the status in open BrokenBusinessRule
8644 Unable to start a new UPA pension declaration because there is still a unsent declaration BrokenBusinessRule
8645 Unable to deactivate a pensioen declarations for a year in which a correction pension declaration exists BrokenBusinessRule
8646 The given declaration has already been deleted/deactivated BrokenBusinessRule
8647 The given declaration is not the last declaration in the chain. Please delete the declarations in order of year and period desc BrokenBusinessRule
8648 PayrollTaxesNumber must have a value to start a UPA pensioen declaration BrokenBusinessRule
8649 There is no declaration to deactivate. BrokenBusinessRule
8650 vitalityScheme.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8651 vitalityScheme.key is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
8652 Invalid file type only text/csv is supported. BrokenBusinessRule
8653 The given declaration is not in the correct status BrokenBusinessRule
8654 The given declaration is not in the correct status BrokenBusinessRule
8655 Validation executed successfully, no changes committed. Warning
8656 Multiple employerNumbers found in file. BrokenBusinessRule
8657 EmployerNumber in file is not matching employerNumber in route. BrokenBusinessRule
8658 Multiple ClientNumbers found in file. BrokenBusinessRule
8659 ClientNumber in file is not matching ClientNumber in route. BrokenBusinessRule
8660 Records are not unique. BrokenBusinessRule
8661 ClientNumber in file is not matching ClientNumber in route. BrokenBusinessRule
8662 APG pension declaration for a year more than 5 years in the past is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
8663 It is not allowed to perform an APG-pension declaration for a test payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
8664 APG pension declaration for a closed payroll year is not allowed for the active payroll year BrokenBusinessRule
8665 A normal APG pension declaration must be performed for every payroll period of the given payroll year before a correction can be send. BrokenBusinessRule
8666 Unable to start a new APG pensioen declaration because there is no unprocessed payrollrun. BrokenBusinessRule
8667 Unable to start a new APG pensioen declaration because there are no employments that are valid for an APG pensioen declaration BrokenBusinessRule
8668 Not all users exist BrokenBusinessRule
8669 There is no declaration to deactivate BrokenBusinessRule
8670 A normal UPA pension declaration must be performed for every payroll period of the given payroll year before a correction can be send. BrokenBusinessRule
8671 Related entity not found BrokenBusinessRule
8672 No closed payroll year available or all closed payroll years are more than 5 years in the past BrokenBusinessRule
8673 commentEmployee cannot contain more than 4000 characters BrokenBusinessRule
8674 Employee has insufficient leavebalance for the given amount in the leaverequest. BrokenBusinessRule
8675 Invalid value for leavetype BrokenBusinessRule
8676 User has invalid role to perform the given action BrokenBusinessRule
8677 ReportID must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
8678 ReportID has a Invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8679 Startdate has a invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8680 Startdate is required. BrokenBusinessRule
8681 Enddate is invalid. BrokenBusinessRule
8682 Enddate must be after the startdate. BrokenBusinessRule
8683 Enddate is required. BrokenBusinessRule
8684 Reference date is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8685 Reference date is required. BrokenBusinessRule
8686 Invalid value for DepartmentId. BrokenBusinessRule
8687 Invalid value for FunctionId BrokenBusinessRule
8688 SafetyNetScheme is required. BrokenBusinessRule
8689 Journal configuration cannot be deleted because it is used in employment journal allocations. BrokenBusinessRule
8690 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by the payrollAdministration as default set for payroll period data individual BrokenBusinessRule
8691 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by the payrollAdministration as default set for payroll period data browser BrokenBusinessRule
8692 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by the payrollAdministration as default set for mutation set wnl BrokenBusinessRule
8693 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by the payrollAdministration as default set for werkkosten BrokenBusinessRule
8694 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by the payrollAdministration as default set for leave build-up BrokenBusinessRule
8695 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by an employment BrokenBusinessRule
8696 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by an concept employee BrokenBusinessRule
8697 PayrollComponentSet can’t be deleted. It is in use by an employment template BrokenBusinessRule
8698 The given journal profile is not available for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8699 Given values for startPeriod and endPeriod are not valid because there are underlying employments with journal allocation records with incompatible periods. BrokenBusinessRule
8700 startPeriod.year must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
8701 startPeriod.periodNumber must have a value between 1 and 53. BrokenBusinessRule
8702 The given start payroll period is not available for the given payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
8703 endPeriod.year must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
8704 endPeriod.periodNumber must have a value between 1 and 53. BrokenBusinessRule
8705 The given end payroll period is not available for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8706 Ongeldige component set soort. BrokenBusinessRule
8707 employmentContractType = Onbekend (0) is only allowed when a nonPayrollAdministration is selected BrokenBusinessRule
8708 DatumInDienst is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8709 Component set not found. BrokenBusinessRule
8710 Er mogen geen dubbele componenten voorkomen. BrokenBusinessRule
8712 De volgende componenten zijn niet toegestaan: BrokenBusinessRule
8714 description has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
8715 Cannot change journal profile because there are still underlying employments with journal allocations for the current journal profile. BrokenBusinessRule
8716 Start en/of eind datum is verplicht BrokenBusinessRule
8717 Failed to save citizen service number (BSN) when importing employee. BrokenBusinessRule
8719 Not all users have exactly one entry for each client name BrokenBusinessRule
8720 Failed to patch employee when importing employee. BrokenBusinessRule
8721 Er staan dubbele waarden in de kolom ‘Personeelsnummer’ BrokenBusinessRule
8722 Het bestand mag slechts één Clientnummer bevatten BrokenBusinessRule
8723 Clientnr moet herleidbaar zijn via de pad-parameter. BrokenBusinessRule
8724 Record cannot be deleted because it is still in use. BrokenBusinessRule
8726 RefreshToken used to connect to ExactOnline is expired. BrokenBusinessRule
8727 The given does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
8728 Only one connection per user and application provider is allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
8729 Journalrun has invalid status BrokenBusinessRule
8730 description may not exceed 250 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
8731 The existing and still active OAuth flow was cancelled. Warning
8732 The given id and user combination does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
8733 Invalid OAuth request. BrokenBusinessRule
8734 Unable to complete the OAuth connection. BrokenBusinessRule
8735 The value for JournalCode has a maximum length of 2 characters BrokenBusinessRule
8736 FinancialYear must have a value between 2005 and 2100 BrokenBusinessRule
8737 Description has a maximum length of 36 characters BrokenBusinessRule
8738 This user does not have permission to remove the given journalrun BrokenBusinessRule
8739 Recalculation is only possible if the given payrollrun has a successful journalrun already (status >= 4) BrokenBusinessRule
8740 No journal profile active for the payroll period of the given payrollRun BrokenBusinessRule
8741 Omschrijving mag niet leeg zijn BrokenBusinessRule
8742 Omschijving mag niet meer dan 50 characters lang zijn BrokenBusinessRule
8743 Datumingang moet voor datumeinde liggen BrokenBusinessRule
8744 Percentage vakanitietoeslag moet tussen 0 en 100 liggen BrokenBusinessRule
8745 Fulltime uren moet groter of gelijk aan 0 zijn en kleiner zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
8746 Percentage eindejaarsuitkering moet tussen 0 en 100 liggen BrokenBusinessRule
8747 Cao code heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8748 Periode code heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8749 Grondslag heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8750 VoucherNumber must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
8751 Dagboeknummer must have a value between 0 and 999 BrokenBusinessRule
8752 BoekstukNummer must have a value between 0 and 99999999 BrokenBusinessRule
8753 The value for description exceeded the maximum length of 60 BrokenBusinessRule
8754 er moet gekozen worden tussen datums of periode nummer BrokenBusinessRule
8755 FinancialYear must be null for Exact Globe BrokenBusinessRule
8756 Period must be null for Excact Globe BrokenBusinessRule
8757 Shiftnumber must have a valid value (>= 1) BrokenBusinessRule
8758 CostCenter isRequired when CostUnit is set BrokenBusinessRule
8759 CostUnit isRequired when CostCenter is set BrokenBusinessRule
8760 ProcessingMethod must have a valid value BrokenBusinessRule
8761 PayslipType must have a valid value BrokenBusinessRule
8763 Year+Period not valid BrokenBusinessRule
8764 periode is ongeldig, valt buiten bereik van verloningsperiodes BrokenBusinessRule
8765 bedrag mag maar 2 decimalen hebben BrokenBusinessRule
8766 bedrag moet tussen 0 en 922337203685477.58 liggen BrokenBusinessRule
8767 Het dienstverband is niet uit dienst gemeld. BrokenBusinessRule
8768 Het dienstverband heeft loonresultaten. BrokenBusinessRule
8769 Het dienstverband is opgenomen in een verzuimverzekering. BrokenBusinessRule
8770 Er bestaan meldingen voor dit dienstverband. BrokenBusinessRule
8771 Er bestaan Qwoater documenten. BrokenBusinessRule
8772 Heeft toegang tot WNL of een uitnodiging daartoe. BrokenBusinessRule
8774 Year must have a value between 2011 and 2099 BrokenBusinessRule
8775 Related employment can not be found. BrokenBusinessRule
8776 The property 'annualSalary' of object 'FiscalProperties' should only have a value > 0 when EmploymentCategoryType = "Standaard" because the annualSalary for all related employments is accumulated. Warning
8778 The property 'annualSalary' of object 'FiscalProperties' should only have a value = 0 when EmploymentCategoryType <> "Standaard" because the annualSalary for all related employments is accumulated. Warning
8779 A pension wage statement already exists for every available period for the payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8780 Pension wage statements for StiPP are supported from 2015 and onwards. BrokenBusinessRule
8781 'Klantgroep' of payroll administration must be 'Others'. BrokenBusinessRule
8782 'Klantgroepnummer' of payroll administration cannot be larger than 99.999.999. BrokenBusinessRule
8783 There are no approved payrollruns for the given pension wage statement period available to process. BrokenBusinessRule
8784 Invalid value for referenceDate. BrokenBusinessRule
8785 Header columns must be unique BrokenBusinessRule
8786 Clientnumber invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8787 {PropertyName} moet equivalent aan Overschrijven (1), NietOverschrijven (2) of Optellen (3) zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
8788 The value provided for emailAddress is not a valid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
8789 No pension wage statement exists to be deleted. BrokenBusinessRule
8790 Component is niet toegestaan voor dit dienstverband. BrokenBusinessRule
8791 User is unauthorized to upload files in the Declaration category. BrokenBusinessRule
8792 This declaration already has an attachment. Only one attachment is allowed per declaration. BrokenBusinessRule
8793 invalide status van declaratie BrokenBusinessRule
8794 Only pension funds AZL and TKP support weekly payrolling. BrokenBusinessRule
8795 ReportID must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8796 ReportID has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8797 Reference date is required. BrokenBusinessRule
8798 The minimum wage payScale is not allowed for this administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8799 includeEmploymentsThatEndedBeforeReferenceDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8800 referenceDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8801 Einddatum mag niet voor ingangsdatum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
8802 Dag beschikbaar in WNL mag bij een maandverloning maximaal de waarde 31 hebben, bij een vierwekenverloning maximaal de waarde 28 en bij weekverloning maximaal 7 BrokenBusinessRule
8803 Omschrijving mag maximaal 50 charakters lang zijn BrokenBusinessRule
8804 Percentage vakantie toeslag moet een waarde hebben tussen 0 en 100 BrokenBusinessRule
8805 Percentage eindejaarsuitkering moet een waarde hebben tussen 0 en 100 BrokenBusinessRule
8806 Grondslag vakantietoeslag heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8807 Grondslag eindejaarsuitkering heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8808 Contract heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8809 Soort werknemer heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8810 Basis dienstverband heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8811 Basisloon heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8812 Nettoloon heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8813 Standaard set browser variabele gegevens (categorie) heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8814 Standaard set browser variabele gegevens heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8815 Standaard set variabele gegevens individueel heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8816 Standaard set verlofopbouw heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8817 Standaard set werkkosten heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8818 Mutatie set WNL heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8819 AantalEenheden moet minimaal 0.01 en maximaal 99999999.99 zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
8820 The minimum wage payScale is not allowed for this administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8821 Invalid value for referenceDate. BrokenBusinessRule
8822 PGGM pension wage statement does not support monthly payrolling. BrokenBusinessRule
8823 A pension wage statement already exists for every available period for the payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8824 There are no approved payrollruns for the given pension wage statement period available to process. BrokenBusinessRule
8825 'Klantgroepnummer' of payroll administration must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8826 sectorCompanyClassification.key has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8827 No pension wage statement exists to be deleted. BrokenBusinessRule
8828 Geen verloning gevonden voor administratie BrokenBusinessRule
8829 Omschrijving moet tenminste 1 karakter lang zijn BrokenBusinessRule
8832 ExportSet is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8835 Values for minimum wage monthly and 4 weeks are not available from 2024 onwards BrokenBusinessRule
8836 Given employments does not belong to employer BrokenBusinessRule
8837 By changing the working hours of an employment with a monthly minimum wage it is possible a new wage record has to be added because the wage might have changed. BrokenBusinessRule
8838 Geen dienstverband gevonden BrokenBusinessRule
8839 PayScaleKey heeft een ongeldige waarde BrokenBusinessRule
8840 Er is een openstaande loonrun. BrokenBusinessRule
8841 Het dienstverband is opgenomen in een loonaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
8842 Het dienstverband is opgenomen in een pensioenaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
8843 Het dienstverband is opgenomen in een UPA en/of PAWW pensioenaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
8844 Het dienstverband is opgenomen in een APG pensioenaangifte. BrokenBusinessRule
8845 Witte tabel is not allowed in combination with Employee Type and special Income ratio BrokenBusinessRule
8846 Given provider user not found BrokenBusinessRule
8847 This function can only be used for provider users. BrokenBusinessRule
8848 User still has (oauth) integrations. Please manually remove these before deleting the user. BrokenBusinessRule
8849 financialYear must have a value between 1900 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
8850 The items in the list are not unique. BrokenBusinessRule
8851 The payroll run has not been executed, because the hours couldn't be calculated. BrokenBusinessRule
8852 The payroll run has failed to execute. BrokenBusinessRule
8853 applySingleElderlyTaxDeduction is only allowed when the employee is older that the current AOW age. BrokenBusinessRule
8854 applySingleElderlyTaxDeduction is only allowed when applyPayrollTaxDeduction is also true. BrokenBusinessRule
8855 applySingleElderlyTaxDeduction is only allowed when EmploymentCategoryType = 0 (Standaard). BrokenBusinessRule
8856 applySingleElderlyTaxDeduction is only allowed when the records startDate >= 1-1-2024. BrokenBusinessRule
8857 Payroll period is not valid BrokenBusinessRule
8858 Provider is not found BrokenBusinessRule
8859 There were issues calling the external API with the account, try again at a later moment. It might be required to refresh the account (connectedApplication). Warning
8860 The given `financialAdministration` can no longer be found in the output of the external API. Warning
8861 The given `linkCostCenterToGroup` can no longer be found in the output of the external API. Warning
8862 The given `linkCostUnitToGroup` can no longer be found in the output of the external API. Warning
8863 This journalApplication has not yet been implemented. BrokenBusinessRule
8864 Er kan geen dienstverband worden gevonden op basis van de gegevens. BrokenBusinessRule
8865 Er kan geen administratie worden gevonden op basis van Clientnr. BrokenBusinessRule
8866 Geen journaal gevonden voor dit aansluitnummer en deze periode. BrokenBusinessRule
8867 Kostenplaats is niet gevonden. BrokenBusinessRule
8868 Kostendrager is niet gevonden. BrokenBusinessRule
8869 When automated export is enabled it is recommended to set an email address for email 'Journaal niet automatisch geëxporteerd'. Warning
8870 When automated export is enabled it is recommended to set an email address for email 'Journaalrun succesvol automatisch geëxporteerd'. Warning
8871 Some of the fields supplied are not used for the given journal application and are ignored. Warning
8872 An account is required when automated export is enabled. BrokenBusinessRule
8873 A methodforDeterminingAccountingPeriod is required when automated export is enabled. BrokenBusinessRule
8874 A financialAdministration is required when automated export is enabled. BrokenBusinessRule
8875 A journalCode is required when automated export is enabled. BrokenBusinessRule
8876 The given account is for a different journalApplication. BrokenBusinessRule
8877 This user does not have access to the given account. BrokenBusinessRule
8878 When an account is selected a financialAdministration is required. BrokenBusinessRule
8879 For this journalApplication account must have a value if financialAdministration has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8880 Given journalApplication does not support the ‘methodForDeterminingAccountingPeriod’ = “Periode verloning” BrokenBusinessRule
8881 methodForDeterminingAccountingPeriod “Op basis van Schema” is not allowed for the given journalApplication BrokenBusinessRule
8882 deviatingJournalSeries has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8883 methodForDeterminingAccountingPeriod has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8884 Please note that Accountview does not support the option to set the fiscal year. Instead Accountview uses the “bookDate” to determine the fiscal year. “bookDate” will be set to the first day of the payrollperiod. Warning
8885 The number of payrollperiods in payrollPeriodFinancialPeriodMapping does not match the payrollPeriodType (month, 4weeks or week) of the payrollAdministration. BrokenBusinessRule
8886 If ‘methodForDeterminingAccountingPeriod’ = 'Op basis van Schema' then payrollPeriodFinancialPeriodMapping must be provided. BrokenBusinessRule
8887 If 'methodforDeterminingAccountingPeriod' <> 'Op basis van Schema' then payrollPeriodFinancialPeriodMapping must be null. BrokenBusinessRule
8888 financialAndPayrollYearRelation has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8889 linkCostCenterToGroup and linkCostUnitToGroup cannot have the same value. BrokenBusinessRule
8890 description cannot be empty. BrokenBusinessRule
8891 description has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
8892 No journal application to delete. BrokenBusinessRule
8893 journalApplication.code has an invalid value. BrokenBusinessRule
8894 Only one journalApplication per journalConfiguration is allowed. BrokenBusinessRule
8895 The filesize must be smaller than 500 MB BrokenBusinessRule
8896 The content-type of the file is not supported. The content-types that are supported are: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, and tiff BrokenBusinessRule
8897 The dimensions of the image are invalid. The dimensions must be between 50x50 and 10.000x10.000 pixels. BrokenBusinessRule
8898 The PDF file is password protected BrokenBusinessRule
8899 Unable to determine the component name due to duplicate names. Warning
8900 A methodForDeterminingAccountingPeriod is not allowed when automated export is disabled. BrokenBusinessRule
8901 Omschrijving mag niet meer dan 250 tekens bevatten BrokenBusinessRule
8902 Description may not contain more than 60 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
8903 BoekstukNummer must have a value between 0 and 99999999 BrokenBusinessRule
8904 Administration may not contain more than 4 characters BrokenBusinessRule
8905 Allocation may not contain more than 18 characters BrokenBusinessRule
8906 Description may not contain more than 50 characters BrokenBusinessRule
8907 Number cannot be all 0. BrokenBusinessRule
8908 Given number already exists for this journalprofile and provider combination. BrokenBusinessRule
8909 Given number already exists for this journalprofile and “loonmodel” combination. BrokenBusinessRule
8911 Given number already exists for this journalprofile and payroll administration combination. BrokenBusinessRule
8912 The value of costAccount cannot be changed when the ledger account is in use in a “ledger account to payroll component link”. BrokenBusinessRule
8913 Description may not contain more than 24 characters. BrokenBusinessRule
8914 BoekstukNummer must have a value between 0 and 999999999 BrokenBusinessRule
8915 SendEmailToEmployee cannot be changed when the email to the emoloyee has already been sent. BrokenBusinessRule
8916 SendEmailToEmployee can only be true when availableForEmployeeDate has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8918 The date of `availableForEmployeeDate` has already past. Warning
8919 Ledger account is still in use in a “ledger account to payroll component link” BrokenBusinessRule
8921 Given combination already exists for this journalprofile and provider combination BrokenBusinessRule
8922 Given combination already exists for this journalprofile and “loonmodel” combination BrokenBusinessRule
8923 Given combination already exists for this journalprofile and payroll administration combination BrokenBusinessRule
8924 Given payrollComponent does not exist for the payroll administration in the active payrolling year BrokenBusinessRule
8925 Given payrollComponent cannot be linked to a ledger account BrokenBusinessRule
8926 Given combination of `costCenter` and `costUnit` is not allowed BrokenBusinessRule
8927 For ledger accounts configured as `costAccount` false both costCenter and CostUnit must have the value n.v.t. BrokenBusinessRule
8928 For ledger accounts configured as `costAccount` true both costCenter and CostUnit cannot have the value n.v.t. BrokenBusinessRule
8929 Given costUnit.key does not exist for the payroll administration and journalprofile BrokenBusinessRule
8930 Given costCenter.key does not exist for the payroll administration and journalprofile BrokenBusinessRule
8931 Given ledgerAccount.key does not exist for the payroll administration and journalprofile BrokenBusinessRule
8932 Given costCenter and costUnit combination is already covered by an existing link with the same ledgerAccount and component BrokenBusinessRule
8933 An error occurred while creating payment file (functional error). BrokenBusinessRule
8934 Verloning kan niet worden gevonden BrokenBusinessRule
8935 De verloning is niet goedgekeurd BrokenBusinessRule
8936 IBAN opdrachtgever ontbreekt BrokenBusinessRule
8937 IBAN opdrachtgever is ongeldig BrokenBusinessRule
8938 A payroll component linked to a ledger account configured as ‘costAccount’ false cannot occure more than once in the LedgerAccountToPayrollComponentLink. Otherwise the account would not balance BrokenBusinessRule
8939 A payroll component linked to a ledger account configured as ‘costAccount’ true cannot occure in the LedgerAccountToPayrollComponentLink together with a ledger account configured as ‘costAccount’ false. Otherwise the account would not balance BrokenBusinessRule
8940 Dienstverband niet gevonden. BrokenBusinessRule
8942 Gebruiker niet gevonden. BrokenBusinessRule
8943 Werkgever niet gevonden. BrokenBusinessRule
8944 Geen Non-Sepa bestand aanwezig BrokenBusinessRule
8945 'lat' and 'lon' must either both have a value, or both have no value BrokenBusinessRule
8946 'lat' should be between –90 and 90 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
8947 'lon' should be between –180 and 180 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
8948 'top' should be between 1 and 100 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
8949 'query' does not have valid format: lat,lon;lat,lon;lat,lon etc. BrokenBusinessRule
8950 lat,lon pair count in 'query' should be between 2 and 4 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
8951 all latitudes in 'query' should be between -90 and 90 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
8952 all longitudes in 'query' should be between -180 and 180 (inclusive) BrokenBusinessRule
8953 There's exactly 1 start task required. BrokenBusinessRule
8954 There's exactly one stop task required. BrokenBusinessRule
8955 Your template contains an invalid taskId BrokenBusinessRule
8956 Kies een ander emailadres voor afzender of kies [email protected] BrokenBusinessRule
8957 De datum moet tussen 01-01-1900 en 01-01-2200 liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
8958 The start task must be the first task BrokenBusinessRule
8959 The stop task must be the last task BrokenBusinessRule
8960 Not found BrokenBusinessRule
8962 PayrollTaxesNumber must have a value to start a PAWW pensioen declaration BrokenBusinessRule
8963 The trigger is already linked to a template BrokenBusinessRule
8964 A workflowtemplate may not contain more than 6 tasks BrokenBusinessRule
8965 The given Id for an assignee with type user is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8966 SendEmail must have a value for the given tasktype BrokenBusinessRule
8967 'startDate' and 'endDate' cannot be more than 2 years apart. BrokenBusinessRule
8968 A minimum of 1 assignee is required BrokenBusinessRule
8969 The field description is required for tasktype Notification or Task BrokenBusinessRule
8970 The given assignee is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8971 Er is geen data beschikbaar om weer te geven. BrokenBusinessRule
8972 calculatedDistanceByRoutingServices must have a value between 0.01 and 99999999.99. BrokenBusinessRule
8973 Both calculatedDistanceByRoutingServices and route are required when the payrollComponent is set to route calculation. BrokenBusinessRule
8974 route must have a minimum of 2 stops and can have a maximum of 4 stops. BrokenBusinessRule
8975 calculatedDistanceByRoutingServices, reasonForDeviatingFromCalculatedDistance and route may not have a value when the payrollComponent is not set to route calculation. BrokenBusinessRule
8976 reasonForDeviatingFromCalculatedDistance must have a value when the payrollComponent is set to route calculation and the calculatedDistanceByRoutingServices does not have the same as numberOfUnits. BrokenBusinessRule
8978 Ongeldige eind jaar/maand BrokenBusinessRule
8979 The given trigger is invalid BrokenBusinessRule
8980 Loonresultaten kunnen alleen worden opgehaald indien alle administraties hetzelfde soort verloning hebben. BrokenBusinessRule
8981 payrollPeriod does not exist for the given payroll administration. BrokenBusinessRule
8982 payrollPeriodId must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
8983 Ongeldige start jaar/maand BrokenBusinessRule
8987 Invalid value for startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
8988 The team calendar is only available during your employment. BrokenBusinessRule
8989 The team calendar is only available during your employment. BrokenBusinessRule
8990 Invalid value for endDate. BrokenBusinessRule
8991 endDate must be on or after startDate. BrokenBusinessRule
8992 The team calendar is only available during your employment. BrokenBusinessRule
8993 startDate and endDate cannot cover more than 2 months. BrokenBusinessRule
8994 Geen data beschikbaar om weer te geven BrokenBusinessRule
8996 lastNamePartner must have a value when howToFormatLastName dictates that lastNamePartner is used in formatting the name BrokenBusinessRule
8997 prefixPartner connot have a value when lastNamePartner is empty BrokenBusinessRule
8998 lastNamePartner must contain at least one letter BrokenBusinessRule
9000 The declarations do not all belong to the specified employer BrokenBusinessRule
9002 isDirectorAndMajorShareholder True and SpecialIncomeRatio.key 2 aren't allowed BrokenBusinessRule
9003 Please use a unique name. BrokenBusinessRule
9004 Provided costCenter and costUnit combinations contains duplicates. BrokenBusinessRule
9005 One or more's do not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
9006 One or more's do not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
9007 One or more costCenter and costUnit combinations are locked. It is not allowed to link or unlink a combination of costCenter and costUnit that is locked. BrokenBusinessRule
9008 Records with origin System cannot be changed BrokenBusinessRule
9009 Name cannot contain only whitespace. BrokenBusinessRule
9010 Given code already exists for this journalprofile and provider combination. BrokenBusinessRule
9011 Given code already exists for this journalprofile and “loonmodel” combination. BrokenBusinessRule
9012 Given code already exists for this journalprofile and payroll administration combination. BrokenBusinessRule
623 Signaal: Omschrijving1 is niet gevuld. Warning
239 Street name must contain at least one letter BrokenBusinessRule
700 leaveHours must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
163 Mailadres is onjuist BrokenBusinessRule
469 Afwijkende premie mag niet ingevuld zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
7504 azureActiveDirectory.userName already exists. BrokenBusinessRule
479 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
746 Benefit or deduction must have an end date when the employment has been terminated. BrokenBusinessRule
307 employerCostsType must have a value if employerCosts has a value BrokenBusinessRule
602 Naam verpleegadres invullen BrokenBusinessRule
32 Datum in dienst mag niet na datum uit dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
185 BurgerServiceNummer is onjuist BrokenBusinessRule
744 User is not authorized to access notification. BrokenBusinessRule
484 Verzekerd bedrag invaliditeit mag niet groter zijn dan maximale grondslag BrokenBusinessRule
12 Unable to find the non-payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
418 Afwijkende premie mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
725 Invalid action for leaveRequest. BrokenBusinessRule
723 LeaveRequest not found. BrokenBusinessRule
368 Witte tabel is strijd met herleidingsregel. BrokenBusinessRule
53 Nummer inkomstenverhouding moet groter gelijk 0 zijn en kleiner gelijk 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
262 nationality must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
1 EndDate cannot be before startdate. BrokenBusinessRule
522 Cataloguswaarde mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
681 Invalid value for shift.shiftNumber. BrokenBusinessRule
70 Vakantiebonnen alleen toegestaan bij soort werknemer -werknemer- BrokenBusinessRule
714 Empty workPattern cannot be used for calculating deviatingDaysAndHours. BrokenBusinessRule
608 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij premie BrokenBusinessRule
7 Orderby property not found. BrokenBusinessRule
730 endDate must be after the start of an employment. BrokenBusinessRule
379 Afwijkend reserveringspercentage financieel kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner zijn dan 1000 BrokenBusinessRule
500 Afwijkende premie mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
333 Aanstelling t/m mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
468 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende premie BrokenBusinessRule
177 Datum uit dienst moet eerst worden gevuld voordat datum overlijden kan worden gevuld BrokenBusinessRule
16 Let op. In het verleden zijn van betreffend dienstverband geen gegevens aangeleverd aan externe partijen (muv belastingdienst, abp en pggm). Warning
670 payrollComponent.value must have a value between 0 and 1000 for this payrollComponent.key. BrokenBusinessRule
421 Afwijkend premiepercentage mag niet groter zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
597 Verhaalbaar alleen mogelijk indien specificatie ongeval is ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
326 The beginning of the record is on or before the beginning of the previous record. BrokenBusinessRule
228 Plaatsnaam afwijkend is niet juist ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
80 Invalid startDate for this employment, for the following entities there are records starting BEFORE the entered startDate (i.e. entered startDate > startDate of the specific entity). BrokenBusinessRule
291 Invalid value for SpecialIncomeRatio.key. BrokenBusinessRule
431 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij fiscale bijtelling BrokenBusinessRule
149 Invalid value for standardFunction. BrokenBusinessRule
56 Opzegtermijn werknemer mag niet groter zijn dan de opzegtermijn werkgever. BrokenBusinessRule
154 Invalid value for employeeProfileId. BrokenBusinessRule
571 De einddatum verpleegadres moet gevuld zijn als ingangsdatum gevuld is BrokenBusinessRule
703 hoursBrokenPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
229 Postbus mag niet worden ingevuld indien land afwijkend -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
284 Invalid value for employmentContractType.key. BrokenBusinessRule
178 Datum overlijden mag niet worden leeggemaakt BrokenBusinessRule
281 emailLeaveRequest is not a valid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
309 grossWageType must be empty if grossWage is empty BrokenBusinessRule
508 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij pensioenuitkering BrokenBusinessRule
302 Nettoloon moet een waarde groter dan 0 en kleiner dan 1000000 bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
523 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij cataloguswaarde BrokenBusinessRule
175 Datum van overlijden mag niet in de toekomst liggen BrokenBusinessRule
52 MdvMelding niet mogelijk bij een niet-Ulsa dienstverband BrokenBusinessRule
763 action must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
142 Invalid value for payGrade. BrokenBusinessRule
458 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij nominale premie ZFW BrokenBusinessRule
548 beoordeelt dit dienstverband als parttime dienstverband. Bij een gebroken periode wordt (wellicht ten onrechte) de maand- / 4-weken- / weektabel toegepast Warning
2642 Failed to block user BrokenBusinessRule
336 travelDistanceToWork has to be greater than 0. BrokenBusinessRule
272 Invalid value for temporaryTaxExemption.key. BrokenBusinessRule
635 BIC has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
141 Invalid value for payScale. BrokenBusinessRule
718 day must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
452 Moet groter gelijk 0 of kleiner gelijk 99 zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
34 Er is al een goedgekeurde loonrun voor de indienst periode. Om deze mutatie te melden aan externe partijen dient voor deze periode een loonvariabele aanwezig te zijn. Bijvoorbeeld: Tariefstrook, Loonaangifte = 1 BrokenBusinessRule
420 Afwijkende premie mag niet ingevuld zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
472 Maximaal 3 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende premie waarbij de ingangsdatum v??r 2014 ligt BrokenBusinessRule
707 Non-empty workingPattern is not used for calculating hoursRegularPeriod. Warning
590 Reden hersteld moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
682 Eventueel ook de ploegindicatie aanpassen bij reeds bestaande variabele gegevens. Warning
62 Soort dienstverband moet bepaalde tijd zijn als aanstelling tot gevuld is. BrokenBusinessRule
696 deviatingHoursPerWeek must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
636 nameBeneficiary has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
223 Plaatsnaam mag niet worden ingevuld indien land -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
698 deviatingSvDaysPerPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
189 Toevoegen gegevens niet toegestaan, werknemer staat niet meer op de polis. BrokenBusinessRule
428 Kan niet negatief zijn en niet groter gelijk 1000000 BrokenBusinessRule
346 Afwijkend percentage bijzonderkostenvergoeding kan niet negatief of groter gelijk 30 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
153 Invalid value for valueOfParticipation. BrokenBusinessRule
693 averageParttimeFactor is out of bounds. BrokenBusinessRule
351 Afwijkende kleur LB-tabel uitsluitend wijzigen indien nog geen verloningen hebben plaatsgevonden. Heeft verloning inmiddels plaatsgevonden dan nieuw dienstverband aanmaken. Warning
218 Nadere aanduiding mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam BrokenBusinessRule
371 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij waarde dagzegel. BrokenBusinessRule
658 Invalid value for costUnit.key. BrokenBusinessRule
7506 ssoAccount.userName is invalid. The following characters are allowed: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and the following characters: '_', '@', '.' and '-'. BrokenBusinessRule
200 Changes affect previous years. Please notice that changes in previous years are not automatically taken into account when performing payroll runs for the current year. Warning
477 Component mag niet worden gewijzigd BrokenBusinessRule
325 Addition is not allowed because the chain is closed. BrokenBusinessRule
761 cancellationPeriodEmployee must have a value between 1 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
487 Verzekerd bedrag overlijden mag niet kleiner zijn dan minimale grondslag BrokenBusinessRule
63 Dienstverband soort juist? Warning
270 isGemoedsbezwaardEmployeeInsurance must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
324 The new record must be the last record in the chain. BrokenBusinessRule
423 Let op ! Er zijn premie- en afdrachtgegevens ingevuld Warning
349 Groene tabel is in strijd met soort werknemer. BrokenBusinessRule
127 Invalid value for function. BrokenBusinessRule
183 Personeelsnummer moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
618 Excasso mag per component maximaal 1 keer worden vastgelegd. BrokenBusinessRule
399 De ingangsdatum van de eerste dekking kan niet aangepast worden. BrokenBusinessRule
486 U wijkt af van de rekenregel Warning
312 salaryScaleLevel must have a value if salaryScaleType has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
671 payrollComponent.value must have a value between -1000 and 1000 for this payrollComponent.key. BrokenBusinessRule
432 Of er moet een fiscale bijtelling/cataloguswaarde zijn of er moet een reden geen bijtelling zijn BrokenBusinessRule
665 payrollComponent.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
483 Verzekerd bedrag invaliditeit mag niet kleiner zijn dan minimale grondslag BrokenBusinessRule
35 Datum in dienst mag niet leeg zijn BrokenBusinessRule
579 Indien ?naam gevuld is moet de ingangsdatum verpleegadres ook gevuld zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
591 De door u geselecteerde reden herstel wordt niet ondersteund door uw verzuimverzekering. Indien u deze waarde behoudt zal ""Volledig herstel"" naar uw verzekeraar worden gecommuniceerd Warning
331 Aanstelling t/m 5 mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
609 Totale ZKV- premie is lager dan bijdrage werkgever. Warning
757 cancellationPeriodEmployer must have a value between 1 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
412 Het toevoegen van werknemers op een verzekering is alleen toegestaan als er een actieve verzuimverzekering polis is BrokenBusinessRule
116 Initials has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
345 Code 10 niet toegestaan indien datum ingang voor 1-1-2010. BrokenBusinessRule
165 Er is een fout opgetreden. De applicatiebeheerder is op de hoogte gebracht. BrokenBusinessRule
538 Nominale premie mag niet negatief of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
134 Invalid value for address.furtherIndication. BrokenBusinessRule
82 Waarde deelnemerschap is alleen toegestaan bij ambtenaar of wachtgelder. BrokenBusinessRule
78 Er zijn nog mutaties na de datum uit dienst aanwezig bij een van de volgende gegevensgroepen: BrokenBusinessRule
267 calculateWorkingHours must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
7499 ssoAccount must be null when loginMethod.key is not 2 (SSO). BrokenBusinessRule
84 emailAddress has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
496 Afwijkende afdracht mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
90 deviatingFunctionGroup has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
430 Fiscale bijtelling mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 1000000 BrokenBusinessRule
230 Postbusnummer is alleen toegestaan indien land -nederland- BrokenBusinessRule
7500 initials has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
478 Grondslag mag niet negatief, 0 of groter gelijk 1000000 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
386 Ingangsdatum moet gelijk zijn aan datum in dienst of eerste dag van de eerste verloningsperiode. BrokenBusinessRule
387 Niet verzekerd voor WAO ? Warning
582 Datum plan van aanpak mag niet na datum hersteld liggen BrokenBusinessRule
378 Afwijkend reserveringspercentage moet 0 zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
666 Invalid value for payrollComponent.key. BrokenBusinessRule
709 daysDailyRate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
650 payrollPeriod.periodNumber must have a value between 1 and 53. BrokenBusinessRule
574 Datum hersteld mag niet leeg gemaakt worden BrokenBusinessRule
227 Plaatsnaam afwijkend moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
382 MdvMelding kan niet verwijderd worden als Datum verzending gevuld is BrokenBusinessRule
633 endOfEmploymentDueToIllness must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
103 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
375 Afwijkend percentage moet 0 zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
158 lastName must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
504 Afwijkende premie is gelijk of hoger dan afdracht Warning
28 Cao is niet afwijkend. BrokenBusinessRule
350 Witte tabel is in strijd met soort werknemer. BrokenBusinessRule
269 isGemoedsbezwaardNationalInsurance must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
706 hoursRegularPeriod must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
213 Land mag niet onbekend zijn BrokenBusinessRule
46 Het emailadres heeft niet het juiste formaat. BrokenBusinessRule
626 Employment already terminated. If the termination needs to be reversed use the reinstate endpoint. If the termination needs to be altered use the reviseTermination endpoint. BrokenBusinessRule
329 Aanstelling t/m 3 mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
156 and cannot have a value at the same time. BrokenBusinessRule
181 Partnernaam is niet juist ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
575 Datum hersteld moet na de datum ingang van het laatste verloop liggen BrokenBusinessRule
182 Partnervoorvoegsel mag niet worden ingevuld indien partnernaam niet is ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
215 Straatnaam afwijkend OF postbus moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
517 Uitkeringspercentage Wao is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
41 Ziek uit dienst alleen invullen indien datum uit dienst is gevuld. BrokenBusinessRule
407 Dienstverband moet gekozen worden BrokenBusinessRule
219 Nadere aanduiding afwijkend mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam afwijkend BrokenBusinessRule
24 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt ? Warning
288 Invalid value for vacationCoupons.key. BrokenBusinessRule
762 cancellationPeriodEmployer must have a value between 1 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
225 Plaatsnaam is niet juist ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
29 CaoKlantgroepAfwijkend mag niet negatief zijn of groter dan 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
641 startDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
363 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij Percentage buitenlandsinkomen BrokenBusinessRule
15 Payroll administration and non-payroll administration may not both have a value BrokenBusinessRule
494 Hoogte bij pensioenering mag niet kleiner zijn dan hoogte BrokenBusinessRule
340 Ongeldige lookupwaarde. BrokenBusinessRule
534 Aanvullende premie mag niet negatief of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
237 Postcode afwijkend mag niet worden ingevuld indien land afwijkend -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
680 shift.shiftNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
10 Invalid filter argument. BrokenBusinessRule
216 Locatie mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam BrokenBusinessRule
480 Wijzigen van regeling is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
132 Invalid value for BrokenBusinessRule
414 Afwijkend afdracht mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
648 payrollPeriod.year must have a value between 2000 and 9999. BrokenBusinessRule
251 address.postalCode must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
560 Ploeg wijkt af van ploeg dagloonzw. Warning
293 dateOfBirth is not a valid date. BrokenBusinessRule
140 Invalid value for deviatingPremiumGroup. BrokenBusinessRule
95 internalTelephoneExtensionNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
552 Ingevoerde mutatie bij afwijkende uren zal overschreven worden door het resultaat van de berekening op basis van het rooster! Warning
466 Afwijkende afdracht mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
211 Toevoeging huisnummer afwijkend mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam afwijkend BrokenBusinessRule
377 Maximaal 6 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkend reserveringspercentage BrokenBusinessRule
43 Werknemer wordt uit dienst gemeld maar bij deze werknemer ligt component 768 (eindheffing bestelauto) en/of component 363 (eindheffing werkkosten) en/of component 478 (S&O) vast. Warning
271 isAnonymousEmployee must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
547 Afwijkend aantal sv-dagen mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
485 Verzekerd bedrag invaliditeit mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
294 dateOfDeath is not a valid date. BrokenBusinessRule
510 Suppleren netto is niet meer toegestaan miv 2014 BrokenBusinessRule
655 Invalid value for distributionUnit.key. BrokenBusinessRule
311 employerCostsType must be empty if employerCosts is empty BrokenBusinessRule
321 The previous record in the chain is not closed. BrokenBusinessRule
3371 Payroll tax return XML has an unsupported year. Only payroll tax return XML from 2022 and later are supported. BrokenBusinessRule
252 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
11 Unable to find the payroll administration BrokenBusinessRule
206 Huisnummer afwijkend mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam afwijkend BrokenBusinessRule
490 U wijkt af van de rekenregel Warning
462 Afwijkende afdracht mag niet ingevuld zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
133 Invalid value for applyDeviatingPayrollTaxPercentageOn. BrokenBusinessRule
536 ExtraBijdrageWerkgever mag niet negatief of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
754 Payroll component not found. BrokenBusinessRule
603 Belaste wg-bijdrage mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
40 Er is al een goedgekeurde loonrun voor de uitdienst periode. Om deze mutatie te melden aan externe partijen dient voor deze periode een loonvariabele aanwezig te zijn. Bijvoorbeeld: Tariefstrook, Loonaangifte = 1 Warning
355 LET OP: afwijkend loonheffingspercentage van 0 wordt toegepast. Warning
122 Invalid value for civilStatus. BrokenBusinessRule
390 Ziekenfonds mogelijk onjuist met verzekerd ZFW Warning
491 Verzekerd bedrag rekenregel invaliditeit mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
332 Aanstelling t/m 6 mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
50 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt? Warning
739 Ingangsdatum verlofaanvraag mag niet na de uit dienst datum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
405 Verzekerd bedrag mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
419 Maximaal 3 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende premie BrokenBusinessRule
247 lastName must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
441 Waardedeelnemerschap moet groter of gelijk 0 en kleiner of gelijk 100 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
558 Let op!! Gemiddelde deeltijdfactor is groter dan 100. Warning
524 Datum einde lease contract mag niet voor datum ingang lease contract liggen BrokenBusinessRule
437 Werknemer bijdrage mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 1000000. BrokenBusinessRule
455 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij jaargrondslag BrokenBusinessRule
627 The given employment cannot be reinstated because it isnt terminated. BrokenBusinessRule
454 Jaargrondslag mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 1000000 BrokenBusinessRule
65 If isOnCallEmployment is true, then hasOnCallAppearanceObligation wil have to be specified. BrokenBusinessRule
220 Periodiciteit dag mag niet negatief zijn of groter dan 28. BrokenBusinessRule
388 Niet verzekerd voor WW ? Warning
669 payrollComponent.value must have a maximum precision of 2. BrokenBusinessRule
38 Datum uit dienst mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
489 Verzekerd bedrag overlijden mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
279 namePayslip has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
545 Aantal afwijkende SV-dagen mag maximaal 23 zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
668 payrollComponent.isSupplement must have a value when payrollComponent.value has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
327 The beginning of the record has to be smaller than the end of the record. BrokenBusinessRule
622 Signaal: PlaatsnaamBegunstigde is niet gevuld. Warning
544 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij aantal uren. BrokenBusinessRule
317 Signaal: Loonkosten als Uurloon is groter of gelijk aan 1000 Warning
289 Invalid value for typeOfParticipation.key. BrokenBusinessRule
543 Aantal uren mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100. BrokenBusinessRule
507 Bedrag pensioenuitkering mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
99 namePayslip has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
724 LeaveRequest in invalid state. BrokenBusinessRule
138 Invalid value for cancellationPeriodTimeUnit. BrokenBusinessRule
111 placeOfEmployment has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
394 Ingangsdatum verzekerdbedrag mag niet leeg zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
7507 ssoAccount.userName already exists. BrokenBusinessRule
88 faxNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
715 workPattern may not contain only zeroes. BrokenBusinessRule
601 Einde bevallingsverlof is onjuist in combinatie met reden ziekte BrokenBusinessRule
64 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt ? Warning
447 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij Arbeidsgehandicapten korting AWF-UFO BrokenBusinessRule
651 shift.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
381 Afwijkend reserveringspercentage financieel moet 0 zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
66 De indicatie Opkomstplichtig is alleen van toepassing indien er sprake is van een oproep- of invalkracht. BrokenBusinessRule
7505 ssoAccount.userName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
152 Invalid value for distributionUnit. BrokenBusinessRule
721 startDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
195 startDate must be on or before employment endDate BrokenBusinessRule
541 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij aantal uren. BrokenBusinessRule
568 Datum eerste ziektedag moet voor de datum ingang van het tweede verloop liggen BrokenBusinessRule
273 incomeRelationshipNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
91 placeOfBirth has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
45 Er is geen loonheffingennummer bekend, eerste-dags-melding is niet mogelijk. BrokenBusinessRule
515 Uitkeringspercentage kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner gelijk 100 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
752 Costcenter not found. BrokenBusinessRule
475 Let op ! Er zijn premie- en afdrachtgegevens ingevuld Warning
14 Either payroll administration or non-payroll administration must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
550 deviatingHoursPerWeek is out of bounds. BrokenBusinessRule
343 Verzekerdbedrag mag niet kleiner zijn dan de minimale grondslag. BrokenBusinessRule
644 applyPaygrade must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
756 cancellationPeriodEmployee must have a value between 1 and 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
659 Invalid value for costCenter.key. BrokenBusinessRule
674 payrollComponent.value must have a value between 0 and 2 for this payrollComponent.key. BrokenBusinessRule
258 deviatingPostalAddress.FurtherIndication must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
518 Let op! Het suppletiepercentage is lager dan het uitkerings percentage Warning
482 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij premie BrokenBusinessRule
509 Hoogte mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
209 Let op : Huisnummer is niet ingevuld Warning
208 Huisnummer moet groter dan 0 zijn indien land is Nederland BrokenBusinessRule
649 payrollPeriod.periodNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
577 De ingangsdatum verpleegadres mag niet voor datum eerste ziekte dag liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
278 signalSalaryScaleAdjustment must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
572 Datum hersteld mag niet in de toekomst liggen BrokenBusinessRule
146 Invalid value for typeOfEmployee. BrokenBusinessRule
647 payrollPeriod.year must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
300 Basisloon moet een waarde groter dan 0 en kleiner dan 1000000 bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
511 Suppletiepercentage kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner gelijk 100 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
121 Invalid value for grossWageType. BrokenBusinessRule
196 Ingangsdatum mag niet liggen voor de ingangsdatum contract. BrokenBusinessRule
171 Gebruik achternaam mag niet worden ingevuld indien partnernaam niet is ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
743 Notification not found. BrokenBusinessRule
130 Invalid value for deviatingPayrollTaxTableColour. BrokenBusinessRule
701 Non-empty workingPattern is not used for calculating leaveHours. Warning
722 startDate must have a valid DateTime value. BrokenBusinessRule
7498 ssoAccount may not be null when loginMethod.key is 2 (SSO). BrokenBusinessRule
716 workPattern.evenWeeks must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
584 Doel reintegratie ook invullen indien datum plan van aanpak is gevuld BrokenBusinessRule
533 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij bedrag korting neveninkomsten niet ambtelijk BrokenBusinessRule
8 Invalid filter operation. BrokenBusinessRule
567 Datum eerste ziektedag moet voor de hersteldatum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
653 payslipType.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
583 Datum plan van aanpak invullen indien doel reintegratie bekend is BrokenBusinessRule
6 Invalid page size. BrokenBusinessRule
498 Afwijkende afdracht mag niet ingevuld zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
553 Empty workPattern cannot be used for calculating hoursBrokenPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
117 prefix has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
398 Er is al een dekking met een latere ingangsdatum aanwezig BrokenBusinessRule
624 employeeNumber must contain a value that is greater than 0. BrokenBusinessRule
234 Let op. Postcode is niet ingevuld Warning
621 PlaatsnaamBegunstigde moet gevuld zijn als NaamBegunstigde gevuld is. BrokenBusinessRule
120 Invalid value for employmentContractType. BrokenBusinessRule
7497 loginMethod.key has an invalid value. Only 2 (SSO) or 5 (Azure AD) are supported. BrokenBusinessRule
47 Historische datum in dienst mag niet na de datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
514 Suppletiepercentage moet groter dan 0 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
192 endDate must have a value when employment endDate has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
58 Periode opzegtermijn moet gevuld zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
274 exemptionPremiumWaiverMarginalLabour must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
505 Let op ! Er zijn premie- en afdrachtgegevens ingevuld Warning
516 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij uitkeringspercentage BrokenBusinessRule
173 Onbekende fout opgetreden bij toevoegen persoon BrokenBusinessRule
758 exemptionInsuranceObligation.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
471 Maximaal 4 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende premie BrokenBusinessRule
357 Jaarloon mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk BrokenBusinessRule
335 cancellationPeriodEmployer cannot be greater than 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
245 Verzekerd bedrag rekenregel mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
434 Werknemer bijdrage is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
323 The end of the record is on or after the beginning of the next record. BrokenBusinessRule
738 Ingangsdatum verlofaanvraag mag niet voor de in dienst datum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
404 Verzekerdbedrag mag niet leeg zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
438 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij werknemer bijdrage. BrokenBusinessRule
563 Organisatiecasemanager mag alleen worden ingevuld indien de naam ook is ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
299 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij Basisloon. BrokenBusinessRule
167 Geboortedatum mag niet op of na de datum in dienst liggen BrokenBusinessRule
453 Ingangsdatum mogelijk onjuist, datum is ongelijk aan 1 januari en datum in dienst Warning
2643 Failed to block user BrokenBusinessRule
585 Deze persoon is reeds ziek gemeld BrokenBusinessRule
586 De door u geselecteerde arbodienstcontrole wordt niet ondersteund door uw verzuimverzekering. Indien u deze waarde behoudt zal ""volgens contract"" naar uw verzekeraar worden gecommuniceerd Warning
23 Geselecteerd basisdienstverband is niet toegestaan bij indienst datum voor 1-1-2010 BrokenBusinessRule
137 Invalid value for netWageType. BrokenBusinessRule
193 Einddatum mag niet leeg zijn want contract is afgesloten. BrokenBusinessRule
415 Maximaal 3 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende afdracht BrokenBusinessRule
512 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij suppletiepercentage BrokenBusinessRule
79 Basis dienstverband -onbekend- niet toegestaan indien verloning wordt afgenomen. BrokenBusinessRule
395 Een dekking kan niet ingaan voor datum aanvang polis. BrokenBusinessRule
741 payrollComponent.Key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
606 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij onbelast wg-bijdrage BrokenBusinessRule
304 Loonkosten moet een waarde groter dan 0 en kleiner dan 100000 bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
204 Let op : Huisnummer is niet ingevuld Warning
280 emailLeaveRequest has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
145 Invalid value for deviatingCalculationRulePayrollTax. BrokenBusinessRule
337 travelDistanceToWork changed while address.houseNumber and address.postalCode remained the same. Warning
197 Ingangsdatum mag niet liggen na de einddatum contract. BrokenBusinessRule
3368 Failure importing one or more concept employees. Warning
537 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij ExtraBijdrageWerkgever BrokenBusinessRule
73 Dienstverband kan niet worden verwijderd, er zijn nog MDV gegevens BrokenBusinessRule
3375 Payroll tax return XML is invalid. Missing element 'InkomstenverhoudingInitieel'. BrokenBusinessRule
67 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt ? Warning
96 address.location has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
463 Afwijkend afdrachtpercentage mag niet groter zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
410 Dit dienstverband heeft een verzuimverzekering en er zijn meerdere dienstverbanden. U kunt zelf eventueel een ander dienstverband verzekeren Warning
442 Waarde deelnemerschap is alleen toegestaan in combinatie met soort verlof abp BrokenBusinessRule
616 payrollComponent.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
339 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij uurloon. BrokenBusinessRule
295 Geboortedatum mag niet in de toekomst liggen BrokenBusinessRule
476 Wijzigen van regeling is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
3370 Payroll tax return XML has an invalid year. BrokenBusinessRule
203 Huisnummer moet groter dan 0 zijn indien land is Nederland BrokenBusinessRule
539 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij nominale premie BrokenBusinessRule
370 Waarde dagzegel is groter dan 0 en geen vakantiebonnen. BrokenBusinessRule
640 Invalid value for startDate BrokenBusinessRule
128 Invalid value for howToFormatLastName. BrokenBusinessRule
383 MdvMelding niet mogelijk bij een niet-Ulsa dienstverband BrokenBusinessRule
473 Afwijkende premie mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
110 firstName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
467 Afwijkende premie mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
109 deviatingPostalAddress.postalCode is not a valid postal code. BrokenBusinessRule
446 Arbeidsgehandicapten korting AWF-UFO kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner zijn dan 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
661 payrollPeriodData already exists for this payrollPeriod, shift, payslipType, distributionUnit, costCenter and costUnit. BrokenBusinessRule
646 Invalid value for employmentData.payrollAdministration.key. BrokenBusinessRule
135 Invalid value for deviatingPostalAddress.furtherIndication. BrokenBusinessRule
732 The value field must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
645 Invalid value for employmentData.nonPayrollAdministration.key. BrokenBusinessRule
373 Afwijkend percentage kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner zijn dan 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
105 address.postalCode has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
529 Bedrag korting neveninkomsten ambtelijk moet kleiner zijn dan bedrag wachtgeld BrokenBusinessRule
549 Ingevoerde mutatie bij afwijkende dagen zal overschreven worden door het resultaat van de berekening op basis van het rooster! Warning
7503 azureActiveDirectory.userName is invalid. The following characters are allowed: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and the following characters: '_', '@', '.' and '-'. BrokenBusinessRule
92 address.houseNumberAddition has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
322 The beginning of the record is on or before the end of the previous record. BrokenBusinessRule
86 emailLeaveRequest has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
525 Priv?kilometers mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
690 deviatingSvDaysPerPeriod is out of bounds. BrokenBusinessRule
614 visibleOnPayslip must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
592 Combinatie geslacht - reden ziek ongeldig BrokenBusinessRule
2 NetWage must be greater or equal then 0. BrokenBusinessRule
580 Indien straat gevuld is moet de ingangsdatum verpleegadres ook gevuld zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
733 The value field number must be within 0 and 10000. BrokenBusinessRule
556 Gemiddelde Deeltijdfactor mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
7508 ssoAccount.password has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
637 cityBeneficiary has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
170 Persoon is al ouder dan 65 Warning
749 Journalrun not found. BrokenBusinessRule
287 Invalid value for sendToExternalParty.key. BrokenBusinessRule
352 Afwijkend loonbelasting percentage mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100. BrokenBusinessRule
39 Reden uit diensttreding mag niet -n.v.t.- zijn indien datum uit dienst gevuld. BrokenBusinessRule
238 Let op. Postcode is niet ingevuld Warning
97 deviatingPostalAddress.location has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
554 Empty workPattern cannot be used for calculating hoursRegularPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
361 Kleine banen regeling is vervallen per 1-1-2012, volgens regeling is verplicht BrokenBusinessRule
210 Toevoeging huisnummer mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam BrokenBusinessRule
22 Vakantiebonnen zijn alleen toegestaan bij dienstverband -arbeidsovereenkomst- BrokenBusinessRule
369 Waarde dagzegel mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100. BrokenBusinessRule
380 Maximaal 6 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkend reserveringspercentage financieel BrokenBusinessRule
502 Afwijkende premie mag niet ingevuld zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
400 Het toevoegen van een dekking voor een werknemer is alleen toegestaan als er een actieve verzuimverzekering polis is BrokenBusinessRule
7509 ssoAccount.password is invalid. Password must meet the following requirements: at least 8 characters and at least one number, one capital letter and one lowercase letter. BrokenBusinessRule
36 Datum opzegging mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
61 Reden einde dienstverband moet NVT zijn als de datum uit dienst niet gevuld is. BrokenBusinessRule
384 Deze persoon heeft nog toegang tot Werknemerloket. Blokkeer eerst de toegang tot Werknemerloket voor deze persoon. BrokenBusinessRule
9 Invalid filter field type cast. BrokenBusinessRule
233 Postcode mag niet worden ingevuld indien land -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
610 Maximaal 10 excassocomponenten toegestaan. BrokenBusinessRule
481 Premie mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 1000 BrokenBusinessRule
464 Maximaal 4 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende afdracht BrokenBusinessRule
660 Invalid combination for costCenter.key and costUnit.key. BrokenBusinessRule
588 Werknemer is GEDEELTELIJK arbeidsongeschikt Warning
424 Wijzigen van regeling is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
338 Uurloon mag niet negatief, 0 of groter gelijk 1000 zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
57 Opzegtermijn werknemer mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
159 Initials should contain at least one letter. BrokenBusinessRule
374 Maximaal 6 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkend percentage BrokenBusinessRule
277 temporaryTaxExemption.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
521 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij waarde BrokenBusinessRule
144 Invalid value for typeOfDocument. BrokenBusinessRule
184 Personeelsnummer komt reeds voor BrokenBusinessRule
393 Einddatum is niet geldig, er zijn nog gegevens bekend welke ingaan na deze datum. BrokenBusinessRule
678 A payrollComponent.key may only be present once for an employment. BrokenBusinessRule
248 initials must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
440 Aantal dagen leerplicht mag 0,1 of 2 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
174 Ook soort identificatie invullen BrokenBusinessRule
224 Plaatsnaam moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
629 Invalid value for BIC. BrokenBusinessRule
598 Vermoedelijke bevallingsdatum invullen bij geselecteerde reden ziek BrokenBusinessRule
726 startDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
222 Periodiciteit dag mag niet 0 zijn opgegeven periodiciteit. BrokenBusinessRule
362 Percentage buitenlandsinkomen kan niet negatief zijn of groter dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
305 grossWageType must have a value if grossWage or PayScale has a value. BrokenBusinessRule
77 WachtgeldOudeRegeling alleen toegestaan bij ABP-wachtgelder BrokenBusinessRule
672 payrollComponent.value must have a value between -1.000.000 and 1.000.000. BrokenBusinessRule
85 emailAddress is not a valid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
396 Een werknemer die uitdienst is kan niet worden verzekerd. BrokenBusinessRule
367 Met ingang van 2016 wordt het veld 'Personeelslening' niet meer doorgegeven in de loonaangifte. Warning
639 description2 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
389 Niet verzekerd voor ZW ? Warning
113 deviatingPostalAddress.street has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
303 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij Loonkosten. BrokenBusinessRule
561 Aantal gewerkte uren mag niet negatief zijn of groter dan 8 BrokenBusinessRule
186 BurgerServiceNummer 0 alleen toegestaan bij buitenlandse artiesten/topsporters, anonieme werknemers en buitenlandse nationaliteit Warning
449 Arbeidsgehandicapten korting WAO kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner zijn dan 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
60 Periode salarisperiodiek hoort niet bij de bijbehorende soort verloning BrokenBusinessRule
257 must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
531 Bedrag korting neveninkomsten niet ambtelijk mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
104 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
162 Combinatie nummerinkomstenverhouding en burgerservicenummer(BSN) komt ook bij een ander dienstverband voor. BrokenBusinessRule
675 payrollComponent.value must have a value of 0 for this payrollComponent.key. BrokenBusinessRule
316 Signaal: NettoloonEenheid Uurloon is mogelijk niet juist bij soort werknemer. Warning
125 Invalid value for exportSet. BrokenBusinessRule
488 Verzekerd bedrag overlijden mag niet groter zijn dan maximale grondslag BrokenBusinessRule
619 NaamBegunstigde moet gevuld zijn als PlaatsnaamBegunstigde gevuld is. BrokenBusinessRule
344 Deze salarisschaal mag niet worden gebruikt. Bevat geen waardes. BrokenBusinessRule
51 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt? Warning
328 Aanstelling t/m 2 mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
285 Invalid value for exemptionInsuranceObligation.key. BrokenBusinessRule
150 Invalid value for title. BrokenBusinessRule
662 Invalid value for payrollPeriod.periodNumber. BrokenBusinessRule
535 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij aanvullende premie BrokenBusinessRule
470 Afwijkend premiepercentage mag niet groter zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
717 workPattern.oddWeeks must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
555 Empty workPattern cannot be used for calculating daysDailyRate. BrokenBusinessRule
613 BIC is not allowed for Dutch IBANs. BrokenBusinessRule
155 uniqueName already exists for this employer. BrokenBusinessRule
632 endOfEmploymentReason must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
663 StartDate of the employment must be before the end of the payrollPeriod. BrokenBusinessRule
576 Datum hersteld moet voor of op de volgende datum eerste ziektedag liggen BrokenBusinessRule
759 sendToExternalParty.key must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
334 cancellationPeriodEmployee cannot be greater than 1000. BrokenBusinessRule
179 Datum overlijden mag niet voor datum uit dienst liggen BrokenBusinessRule
451 Soort arbeidsgehandicaptenkorting moet bekend zijn bij toepassing arbeidsgehandicaptenkorting BrokenBusinessRule
129 Invalid value for gender. BrokenBusinessRule
426 Gekozen bijtelling is niet toegestaan v??r 2014. BrokenBusinessRule
656 payslipText has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
664 EndDate of the employment must be before the startDate of the payrollPeriod if the payslipType is "Normal payslip". BrokenBusinessRule
19 Aanvang opzegtermijn mag niet voor datum opzegging liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
704 Non-empty workingPattern is not used for calculating hoursBrokenPeriod. Warning
727 startDate must be after the start of an employment. BrokenBusinessRule
115 uniqueName must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
461 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende afdracht BrokenBusinessRule
20 Aard deelnemerschap moet ingevuld zijn bij ambtenaar of wachtgelder. BrokenBusinessRule
212 Rubriek mag niet leeg zijn BrokenBusinessRule
765 Invalid value for action. BrokenBusinessRule
55 Opzegtermijn werkgever mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
275 wachtgeldOldRegulation must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
562 Functie casemanager mag alleen worden ingevuld indien de naam ook is ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
557 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij gemiddelde deeltijdfactor. BrokenBusinessRule
282 Invalid value for employmentDurationType.key. BrokenBusinessRule
625 personalDetails.howToFormatLastName must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
642 There are no values present on the payGrade that are valid on the startDate of the wage record. BrokenBusinessRule
667 This payrollComponent.key can not be supplemented. BrokenBusinessRule
353 Afwijkend loonbelasting percentage ingevuld maar wordt niet toegepast. BrokenBusinessRule
444 Premiekorting is niet toegestaan voor 1-7-2014 BrokenBusinessRule
401 Het is niet mogelijk de laatste dekking te verwijderen. Zet de dekking op 0 om een werknemer niet te verzekeren BrokenBusinessRule
564 Telefoon casemanager mag alleen worden ingevuld indien de naam ook is ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
546 Geen decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkend aantal sv-dagen. BrokenBusinessRule
319 The end of the record may not be before the start of the record. BrokenBusinessRule
611 Maximaal 5 excassocomponenten toegestaan voor het afdrukken op de strook. BrokenBusinessRule
231 Postcode moet voldoen aan 9999 XX BrokenBusinessRule
747 Notification has already been marked as read. BrokenBusinessRule
266 typeOfEmployee must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
581 Datum plan van aanpak mag niet op of voor datum ziekmelding liggen BrokenBusinessRule
474 Afwijkende premie is gelijk of hoger dan afdracht Warning
594 Specificatie ongeval alleen invullen bij reden is -ziekte- BrokenBusinessRule
501 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende premie BrokenBusinessRule
7502 azureActiveDirectory.userName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
628 IBAN must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
3369 Payroll tax return XML has an invalid namespace. BrokenBusinessRule
737 Component is not a benefits or deductions component. BrokenBusinessRule
695 regularWorkPattern must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
201 Huisnummer mag niet negatief of groter dan 99999 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
745 No YearEndStatement is available for this employment for this year. BrokenBusinessRule
240 Straatnaam mag niet worden ingevuld indien land -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
406 Indien het bruto jaarloon ongelijk is aan de uitkomst van de rekenregel worden er geen automatische updates meer doorgevoerd. U bent vanaf dat moment zelf verantwoordelijk voor het updaten van de dekking voor deze werknemer. BrokenBusinessRule
366 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij verwervingskosten percentage. BrokenBusinessRule
168 Geboortedatum mag niet leeg zijn BrokenBusinessRule
713 Non-empty workingPattern is not used for calculating deviatingDaysAndHours. Warning
147 Invalid value for healthCareInsuranceActType. BrokenBusinessRule
250 address.houseNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
286 Invalid value for cancellationPeriodTimeUnit.key. BrokenBusinessRule
172 Geslacht mag niet onbekend zijn BrokenBusinessRule
255 travelDistanceToWork must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
194 startDate must be on or after employment startDate BrokenBusinessRule
7501 lastName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
503 Afwijkend premiepercentage mag niet groter zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
37 Datum opzegging mag niet na de datum uit dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
417 Afwijkend afdrachtpercentage mag niet groter zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
112 address.street has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
191 endDate cannot occur after employment endDate BrokenBusinessRule
612 The IBAN in the request did not pass validation. BrokenBusinessRule
83 lastName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
734 The value field number must have a scale of 2 or less. BrokenBusinessRule
264 civilStatus must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
607 Premie mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
686 Invalid value for shiftRateSickLeave.shiftNumber. BrokenBusinessRule
403 Afw. verzekerd bedrag mag niet meer als 2 cijfers achter de komma bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
565 Datum eerste ziektedag mag niet in de toekomst liggen BrokenBusinessRule
69 Let op ! Met ingang van 1-1-2016 staat de belastingdienst de waarden 12 en 14 niet meer toe. In de loonaangifte wordt 15 doorgegeven. In Loket is dat de waarde n.v.t. Warning
44 Er komen nog signalen voor bij dit dienstverband. Warning
416 Afwijkend afdracht mag niet ingevuld zijn als berekening volgens regeling BrokenBusinessRule
710 Non-empty workingPattern is not used for calculating daysDailyRate. Warning
98 mobilePhoneNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
2644 User is already blocked BrokenBusinessRule
643 grossWage must have a value when applyPayGrade is true. BrokenBusinessRule
755 citizenServiceNumber is not a valid citizen service number (BSN). BrokenBusinessRule
439 Werknemer bijdrage mag niet groter zijn dan fiscale bijtelling. BrokenBusinessRule
26 Salarisverwerking bouw is geactiveerd, beroepencode bij dienstverbanden is gewenst ivm aanlevering cordares Warning
456 Loonkostenvoordeel is niet toegestaan voor 1-1-2018 BrokenBusinessRule
736 Component does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
101 lastNamePartner has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
527 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij bedrag wachtgeld BrokenBusinessRule
751 General ledger account not found. BrokenBusinessRule
100 documentIdentification has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
573 Datum hersteld mag niet op of voor datum eerste ziektedag liggen BrokenBusinessRule
356 30 procentsregeling niet toegestaan voor 1-1-2009 BrokenBusinessRule
261 gender must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
164 Let op! Er kan geen email bericht worden verstuurd indien de ESS toegang wordt verwijderd Warning
176 Datum van overlijden mag niet voor de geboortedatum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
214 Straatnaam afwijkend of postbus moet worden ingevuld als land afwijkend niet onbekend BrokenBusinessRule
748 Invalid value for payslipType. BrokenBusinessRule
638 description1 has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
33 Datum in dienst mag niet voor de geboortedatum liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
330 Aanstelling t/m 4 mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
376 Afwijkend reserveringspercentage kan niet negatief zijn en moet kleiner zijn dan 1000 BrokenBusinessRule
87 emailLeaveRequest is not a valid email address. BrokenBusinessRule
114 phoneNumber has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
519 Wijzigen van regeling is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
151 Invalid value for vacationCoupons. BrokenBusinessRule
347 Maximaal 6 decimalen toegestaan bij Afwijkend percentage bijzonderkostenvergoeding BrokenBusinessRule
202 Huisnummer mag niet 0 zijn als land Nederland is BrokenBusinessRule
728 startDate must be before the end of an employment. BrokenBusinessRule
292 Invalid value for employeeProfileId.key. BrokenBusinessRule
348 Afwijkend percentage bijzonderkostenvergoeding is niet toegestaan indien er geen sprake is van een 30% regeling BrokenBusinessRule
604 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij belast wg-bijdrage BrokenBusinessRule
318 Signaal: LoonkostenEenheid Uurloon is mogelijk niet juist bij soort werknemer. Warning
457 Nominale premie ZFW mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
301 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij Nettoloon. BrokenBusinessRule
308 Invalid value for employerCostsType. BrokenBusinessRule
119 Invalid value for department. BrokenBusinessRule
392 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
391 Bedrag mag niet negatief, 0 of groter gelijk 100000 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
232 Postcode moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
359 Jaarloon mag niet negatief of 0 zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
526 Bedrag wachtgeld mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
25 Basisdienstverband is alleen toegestaan voor dienstverband welke ingaan op of na 1-1-2017 Warning
235 Postcode afwijkend moet worden ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
18 Aanstelling t/m juist? Warning
753 Costunit not found. BrokenBusinessRule
459 Doelgroep banenafspraak staat op Ja, maar Premiekorting / mob. bonus is niet opgegeven. BrokenBusinessRule
422 Afwijkende premie is gelijk of hoger dan afdracht Warning
243 Straatnaam afwijkend is niet juist ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
683 shiftRateSickLeave must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
397 Datum ingang mag niet voor datum indienst ?liggen BrokenBusinessRule
3 EmployerCosts must be greater or equal then 0. BrokenBusinessRule
450 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij Arbeidsgehandicapten korting WAO BrokenBusinessRule
48 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt? Warning
188 !!Let op. Er is geen BurgerServiceNummer bekend. Aanlevering van gegevens aan externe partijen (Uitgezonderd Belastingdienst en ABP) zal NIET plaatsvinden. Warning
593 Reden ziek mag niet -onbekend- zijn BrokenBusinessRule
569 De einddatum verpleegadres moet na de ingangsdatum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
358 Fiscaal jaarloon mag geen decimalen bevatten. BrokenBusinessRule
276 exemptionWorkRelatedExpenseScheme must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
160 Geboortenaam is niet juist ingevuld BrokenBusinessRule
107 address.postalCode is not a valid postal code. BrokenBusinessRule
433 Of er moet een fiscale bijtelling/cataloguswaarde zijn of er moet een reden geen bijtelling zijn BrokenBusinessRule
72 Verwijderen van dienstverband is niet toegestaan. BrokenBusinessRule
677 Invalid value for payrollPeriod.year. BrokenBusinessRule
313 Signaal: Basisloon als Uurloon is groter of gelijk aan 1000 Warning
365 Percentage verwervingskosten mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100. BrokenBusinessRule
413 BSN voor persoon moet gevuld zijn BrokenBusinessRule
540 Aantal uren kan niet negatief zijn of groter dan 24. BrokenBusinessRule
497 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende afdracht BrokenBusinessRule
157 and must either both be empty, or one of the two must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
131 Invalid value for BrokenBusinessRule
742 action is not supported. BrokenBusinessRule
767 message has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
30 Afwijkende cao is niet geldig. BrokenBusinessRule
679 shift must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
443 Premiekorting is niet toegestaan voor 1-1-2009 BrokenBusinessRule
3374 Payroll tax return XML is invalid. Missing element 'TijdvakAangifte'. BrokenBusinessRule
199 Ingangsdatum mag niet liggen na de einddatum op de polis. BrokenBusinessRule
551 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkend aantal uren. BrokenBusinessRule
595 Straatnaam afwijkend moet gevuld worden indien ingangsdatum verpleegadres gevuld is. BrokenBusinessRule
102 prefixPartner has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
740 Einddatum verlofaanvraag mag niet na de uit dienst datum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
320 The end of the record is mandatory when it is not the last record in the chain. BrokenBusinessRule
246 employeeNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
652 Invalid value for shift.key. BrokenBusinessRule
587 Percentage arbeidsongeschikt mag niet negatief, 0 of groter dan 100 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
148 Invalid value for SpecialIncomeRatio. BrokenBusinessRule
169 Persoon is nog geen 15 jaar Warning
68 Speciale inkomstenverhouding is alleen toegestaan voor dienstverband welke ingaan op of na 1-1-2017 BrokenBusinessRule
731 endDate must be before the end of an employment. BrokenBusinessRule
578 De ingangsdatum verpleegadres mag niet na de datum hersteld liggen BrokenBusinessRule
205 Huisnummer mag niet leeg zijn BrokenBusinessRule
673 payrollComponent.value must have a value between -100.000.000 and 100.000.000. BrokenBusinessRule
436 Reden geen bijtelling niet toegestaan voor 1-1-2010 BrokenBusinessRule
260 title must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
207 Huisnummer afwijkend moet groter zijn dan 0 en mag niet groter zijn dan 99999 BrokenBusinessRule
259 deviatingPostalAddress.Country must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
764 application must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
314 Signaal: BasisloonEenheid Uurloon is mogelijk niet juist bij soort werknemer. Warning
75 Er is al een verzekerd dienstverband voor deze persoon. Pas het verzekerd bedrag zelf aan! Warning
532 Bedrag korting neveninkomsten niet ambtelijk moet kleiner zijn dan bedrag wachtgeld BrokenBusinessRule
217 Locatie afwijkend mag alleen worden ingevuld in combinatie met straatnaam afwijkend BrokenBusinessRule
81 Beloningsregeling mag niet worden gewijzigd BrokenBusinessRule
409 Het is niet mogelijk om voor een werknemer twee dienstverbanden gelijktijdig te verzekeren BrokenBusinessRule
760 Invalid value for residentOf BrokenBusinessRule
427 Waarde {0} is geen geldige waarde voor rubriek Bijtelling. BrokenBusinessRule
566 Datum eerste ziektedag moet op of na vorige hersteldatum liggen BrokenBusinessRule
298 startDate must have a value BrokenBusinessRule
71 Moet er geen nieuw dienstverband worden aangemaakt ? Warning
136 Invalid value for nationality. BrokenBusinessRule
712 deviatingDaysAndHours must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
296 Ook nummer identificatie document invullen BrokenBusinessRule
265 uniqueName has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
290 Invalid value for valueOfParticipation.key. BrokenBusinessRule
506 Wijzigen van regeling is niet toegestaan BrokenBusinessRule
198 Ingangsdatum mag niet voor de opnamedatum op de polis liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
513 Suppletiepercentage moet 0 zijn als er niet gesuppleerd wordt BrokenBusinessRule
600 Vermoedelijke bevallingsdatum mag niet liggen voor datum ziekmelding BrokenBusinessRule
244 U wijkt af van de rekenregel. Warning
31 Combinatie nummerinkomstenverhouding en burgerservicenummer(BSN) komt ook bij een ander dienstverband voor. BrokenBusinessRule
124 Invalid value for contractCode. BrokenBusinessRule
599 Vermoedelijke bevallingsdatum mag niet worden ingevuld bij geselecteerde reden ziek BrokenBusinessRule
341 Verzekerd bedrag mag niet negatief zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
631 endDate must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
241 Straatnaam invullen indien land niet -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
27 Beroep is niet geldig. BrokenBusinessRule
59 Periode salarisperiodiek moet groter of gelijk 0 en kleiner of gelijk 52 zijn BrokenBusinessRule
221 Periodiciteit dag mag niet worden gevuld. BrokenBusinessRule
702 Empty workPattern cannot be used for calculating leaveHours. BrokenBusinessRule
495 Hoogte bij pensioenering mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
54 Let op ! Nummerinkomstenverhouding is gevuld met de waarde 0 Warning
254 exclusionFromAbsenceStatus must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
4 GrossWageType value does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
236 Postcode afwijkend moet voldoen aan 9999 XX BrokenBusinessRule
617 payrollComponent.key does not exist for this payrollAdministration. BrokenBusinessRule
520 Waarde mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
242 Straatnaam afwijkend mag niet worden ingevuld indien land afwijkend -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
729 Changes only affect the current year. Warning
615 Excasso voor Nettoloon moet altijd worden afgedrukt op de loonstrook. BrokenBusinessRule
108 deviatingPostalAddress.postalCode has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
499 Afwijkend afdrachtpercentage mag niet groter zijn dan 100 BrokenBusinessRule
3372 Payroll tax return XSD not found for this year. BrokenBusinessRule
2641 Failed to block user BrokenBusinessRule
408 Het geselecteerde dienstverband is reeds verzekerd BrokenBusinessRule
93 deviatingPostalAddress.houseNumberAddition has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
342 Verzekerdbedrag mag niet groter zijn dan de maximale grondslag. BrokenBusinessRule
161 Let op !! Burgerlijke staat is onbekend. Warning
5 The requested pagenumber does not exist. BrokenBusinessRule
492 Verzekerd bedrag rekenregel overlijden mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
559 Let op ! Eventueel ook de ploegindicatie aanpassen bij reeds bestaande variabele gegevens. Warning
684 shiftRateSickLeave.shiftNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
766 Invalid value for application. BrokenBusinessRule
297 citizenServiceNumber must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
425 Bijtelling ""Midden"" is niet toegestaan voor 1-1-2009. BrokenBusinessRule
528 Bedrag korting neveninkomsten ambtelijk mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 100000 BrokenBusinessRule
465 Maximaal 3 decimalen toegestaan bij afwijkende afdracht waarbij de ingangsdatum v??r 2014 ligt BrokenBusinessRule
89 deviatingFunctionDescription has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
187 citizenServiceNumber cannot be changed to NULL (if it was not already NULL before the change) BrokenBusinessRule
118 Invalid value for typeOfParticipation. BrokenBusinessRule
460 Afwijkende afdracht mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
315 Signaal: Nettoloon als Uurloon is groter of gelijk aan 1000 Warning
620 Signaal: NaamBegunstigde is niet gevuld. Warning
263 typeOfDocument must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
360 Indien jaarloon wordt gewijzigd kan herrekening plaatsvinden van reeds verwerkte salarisberekeningen. Warning
143 Invalid value for employmentDurationType. BrokenBusinessRule
411 Dienstverband is be?indigd voor ingang verzuimverzekering BrokenBusinessRule
605 Onbelaste wg-bijdrage mag niet negatief zijn of groter gelijk 10000 BrokenBusinessRule
268 participation55plusRegulationUWV must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule
570 De einddatum verpleegadres mag niet na de datum hersteld liggen BrokenBusinessRule
657 payslipText may only have a value for one instance per paySlipType. BrokenBusinessRule
74 Er staan nog documenten in het werknemersdossier. De werknemer kan pas worden verwijderd nadat deze documenten verwijderd zijn. BrokenBusinessRule
530 Maximaal 2 decimalen toegestaan bij bedrag korting neveninkomsten ambtelijk BrokenBusinessRule
17 Aanstelling t/m 1 mag niet voor datum in dienst liggen. BrokenBusinessRule
226 Plaatsnaam afwijkend mag niet worden ingevuld indien land afwijkend -onbekend- BrokenBusinessRule
94 IBAN has an invalid length. BrokenBusinessRule
589 Indien reden hersteld is ingevuld ook de datum van herstel invullen BrokenBusinessRule
3373 Payroll tax return XML has XSD validation error(s). BrokenBusinessRule
42 Ziek uit dienst ook invullen. BrokenBusinessRule
750 Journalrun has invalid status. BrokenBusinessRule
402 Afw. verzekerd bedrag kan niet groter zijn als 999999999.99 BrokenBusinessRule
448 Soort arbeidsgehandicaptenkorting moet bekend zijn bij toepassing arbeidsgehandicaptenkorting BrokenBusinessRule
493 Hoogte mag niet negatief zijn BrokenBusinessRule
123 Invalid value for exemptionInsuranceObligation. BrokenBusinessRule
76 Waarde deelnemerschap moet ingevuld zijn bij ambtenaar of wachtgelder. BrokenBusinessRule
364 Percentage buitenlandsinkomen alleen toegestaan bij salary-split BrokenBusinessRule
445 Premiekorting is niet toegestaan na 31-12-2017 BrokenBusinessRule
676 payrollComponent.value must have a value between 0 and 1 for this payrollComponent.key. BrokenBusinessRule
735 payrollComponent must have a value. BrokenBusinessRule